
I have a nasty loop that I have to do 11877 times. The only thing that
slows it down really is this merge:

xx1 = merge(dt,ua_rd,by.x=1,by.y= 'rt_date',all.x=T)

Any ideas on how to speed it up? The output can't change materially (it
works), but I'd like it to go faster. I'm looking at getting around the
loop (not shown), but I'm trying to speed up the merge first. I'll post
regarding the loop if nothing comes of this post.

Here is some information on what type of stuff is going into the merge:

> class(ua_rd)
[1] "matrix"
> dim(ua_rd)
[1] 20  2
> head(ua_rd)
                   AName              rt_date
2007-03-31 "14066.580078125" "2007-04-26"
2007-06-30 "14717"           "2007-07-19"
2007-09-30 "15528"           "2007-10-25"
2007-12-31 "17609"           "2008-01-24"
2008-03-31 "17168"           "2008-04-24"
2008-06-30 "17681"           "2008-07-17"
> class(dt)
[1] "character"
> length(dt)
[1] 1799
> dt[1:10]
 [1] "2007-03-31" "2007-04-01" "2007-04-02" "2007-04-03" "2007-04-04"
"2007-04-05" "2007-04-06" "2007-04-07"
 [9] "2007-04-08" "2007-04-09"



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