Dear useRs,

First off, sorry about the long post. Figured it's better to give context
to get good answers (I hope!). Some time ago I wrote an R function that
will get all pairwise interactions of variables in a data frame. This
worked fine at the time, but now a colleague would like me to do this with
a much larger dataset. They don't know how many variables they are going to
have in the end but they are guessing approximately 2,500 - 3,000 variables
with ~2000 observations for each. My function below is way too slow for
this (4 minutes for 100 variables). At the bottom of this post I have
included some timings for various numbers of variables and total numbers of
interactions. I have the results of calling Rprof() on the 100 variables
run of my function, so If anyone wants to take a look at it let me know. I
don't want to make a super long post any longer than it needs to be.

What I'd like to know is if there is anything I can do to speed this
function up. I tried looking at going directly to, but as far as I
understood, for that to be useful the computation of the design matrices
and all of that other stuff that I frankly don't understand, needs to be
the same for each model, which is not the case for my analysis, although
perhaps I am wrong about this. I also took a look at speedglm and it seems
to be for the analysis of large datasets. I think the problem is that, in
effect there are many datasets, so not sure if this package can help.

Any ideas on how to make this run faster would be greatly appreciated. I am
planning on using parallelization to run the analysis in the end but I
don't know how many CPU's I am going to have access to but I'd say it won't
be more than 8. In addition I have been advised that the best way to
account for multiple testing here is by permutation test, which in this
context becomes almost unfeasible, since I would have to run each
interaction ~10,000 times.

Thanks in advance, Cheers

getInteractions2 = function(data, fSNPcol, ccCol)
#fSNPcol is the number of the column that contains the first SNP
#ccCol is the number of the column that contains the outcome variable


  a = data.frame()

  snps =  names(data)[-1:-(fSNPcol-1)]

  names(data)[ccCol] = "PHENOTYPE"

  terms =,2)))


  fit1 = c()

  fit2 = c()

  pval  = c()

  for(i in 1:length(terms$V1))


    fit1 = 

    fit2 = 

    a  = lrtest(fit1, fit2)

    pval = c(pval, a[2,"Pr(>Chisq)"])



  results = cbind(terms,pval)


In the table below is the system.time results for increasing numbers of
variables being passed through the function. n is the number of variables,
and Ints is the number of pair-wise interactions given by that number of

      n   Ints     user.self sys.self elapsed

time  10   45      1.20     0.00    1.30

time  15  105      3.40     0.00    3.43

time  20  190      6.62     0.00    6.85

time  90 4005    178.04     0.07  195.84

time  95 4465    199.97     0.13  218.30

time 100 4950    221.15     0.08  242.18

Some code to reproduce a data frame in case you want to look at timings or
the Rprof() results. Please don't run this unless your machine is super
fast, or your prepared to wait for about 15-20 minutes.

df = data.frame(paste("sid",1:2000,sep=""),rbinom(2000,1,.5))

gtypes = matrix(nrow=2000, ncol=3000)

gtypes = apply(gtypes,2,function(x){x=sample(0:2, 2000, replace=T);x})

snps = paste("rs", 1000:3999,sep="")

df = cbind(df,gtypes)

names(df) = c("sid", "status", snps)

times = c()
for(i in seq(10,100, by=5)){


  time = system.time((pvals = getInteractions2(df[,1:i], 3, 2)))


  times = rbind(times, time)


numI = function(n){return(((n^2)-n)/2)}

timings = cbind(seq(10,100,by=5), sapply(seq(10,100,by=5), numI),times)

David Kavanagh
Nephrology Research, Centre of Public Health, Queen's University Belfast, A
floor, Tower Block,
City Hospital, Lisburn Road, BT9 7AB, Belfast, United Kingdom

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