
name <- data.frame(Behavior=c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1), Time=c(0, 40, 45, 55, 57))

appear <- name$Time[name$Behavior==1]
disappear <- name$Time[name$Behavior==2]
if(length(appear) > length(disappear)) disappear <- c(disappear, 60)
sum(disappear - appear)

Delia Shelton wrote on 04/09/2012 12:30:23 PM:

> Hi,
> I am attempting to tabulate binned data. The '1' represents the 
> appearance of the focal mouse pup, and '2' represents the 
> disappearance of the focal mouse pup. The code written below is 
> intended to calculate the total time spent appeared out of 3600s. 
> For Sample 1, both the hand calculation and R code yield the same 
> result, 50. A problem seems to occur when '1' is the last entry. For
> Sample 2, the total time appeared is 53  (hand calculation), 
> however, using the R code below yields 55. If you have any 
> suggestions for solving the problem, please let me know. 
> Thank you in advance for any assistance you may provide.
> Delia
> Sample 1
> 0.0 1
> 40 2
> 45 1
> 55 2
> Sample 2
> 0.0 1
> 40 2
> 45 1
> 55 2
> 57 1
> name = read.table(file.choose(),header=F) # opening a data file
> colnames(name)<-c("Time", "Behavior")
> name = data.frame(name$Behavior, name$Time)
> colnames(name)<-c("Behavior", "Time")    
> name<-name[name$Time < 3600, ];
> ## run file 
> x<-seq(0,3600, by = 60) # total time partition by time which is 60
> if (tail(name$Behavior, 1) == 1) {name<-rbind(name, c(4, 3600))} else
> {name<-rbind(name, c(1, 3600))} 
> if (nrow(name) %% 2 != 0)
>  {name <-name[-c(nrow(name)), -c(nrow(name))]}
> q<-NULL
> for (y in (1: nrow(name)))
> {
>     if (y %% 2 != 0)
>     q<-c(q, (c(name$Time[y]:name$Time[y +1])))
> }
> b<-table(cut(q,x))
> sum(b)

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