Dear all,

I want to use string split to parse column names, however, I am having some errors that I don't understand.
I see a problem when I try to rbind the output from strsplit.

please let me know if I'm missing something obvious,


here are my commands:
> Rumino_Reps_agreeWalignTR<-transform(Rumino_Reps_agreeWalign,, strsplit))
Warning message:
In function (..., deparse.level = 1)  :
  number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)

here is my data:

> head(Rumino_Reps_agreeWalign)
                      geneid count_Conser count_NonCons count_ConsSubst
1 657313.locus_tag:RTO_08940            7             5               5
2           457412.251848018            1             4               3
3 657314.locus_tag:CK5_20630            2             4               1
4 657323.locus_tag:CK1_33060            1             0               1
5 657313.locus_tag:RTO_09690            3             0               3
6           471875.197297106            0             2               1
1             1
2             0
3             0
4             0
5             1
6             1

here are the results from strsplit:
> head(strsplit)
[1] "657313"              "locus_tag:RTO_08940"

[1] "457412"    "251848018"

[1] "657314"              "locus_tag:CK5_20630"

[1] "657323"              "locus_tag:CK1_33060"

[1] "657313"              "locus_tag:RTO_09690"

[1] "471875"    "197297106"

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