Hi David

if you go

? panel.locfit
The function will do contour/wireframe like plots using par.settings of region as well as normal 2D plots I could not get panel.locfit to work using par.settings and created my own panel function as panel.Locfit
at the time I did not think that I would be putting it on the web.
(I knew it would be confusing to some but forgot to change the name. [its been a long week]).

In the first instance I wanted a panel function to produce confidence bands which I cobbled up, but then wanted lines in another situation.


At 09:29 21/04/2012, you wrote:

On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Duncan Mackay wrote:

Hi ilai

Thank you for your advice I think I can now get what I need from
what you have said here.
I think I may have to get involved in packet.number but the original
packet.number with its arguments has stuck in my mind and I have not
used it.
I find locfit better than loess etc for a lot of the data I work with.

I'm a bit puzzled by this exchange. I know there is a 'panel.locfit',
but you two are spelling it differently. Can you explain why you are
doing so?

> ?panel.Locfit
No documentation for 'panel.Locfit' in specified packages and libraries:
you could try '??panel.Locfit'

> ?panel.locfit

{locfit}        R Documentation
Locfit panel function


This panel function can be used to add locfit fits to plots generated
by trellis.

I am trying to construct a function/s to cover as many of the normal
situations as possible.
Usually I have to amend colours lines etc to distinguish the data.

I want to cover a number of situations
1 Conditioned by panel no groups
2 Conditioned by panel and groups.
3 Multiple values for above - to show colleagues (EDA)
4 Conditioned by panel and groups + an overall fit for all the data
within a panel
5 Several y values in a panel eg Y1+Y2 and outer = FALSE with a fit
for each of Y1 and Y2

I am trying to cover as many of the above situations in 1 function
before resulting to trellis.focus or
overlaying. The graphs that I normally create are not simple,
generally involving useOuterStrips
which may have different y scales for panel rows (combindeLimits/ manual) and different panel row heights.

locfit is like loess but 2 arguments for smoothing; the degree of
smoothing produced by the defaults
is approximately that of loess but I normally need less smoothing
(the same would be apply for loess).

Most of the questions to Rhelp are for 1 with just a small number
for 5 and they are not applicable here
and understanding the requirements for passing arguments in these
different situations I find difficult.
I would like to reduce the number of panel functions to the minimum
to cover the general situaltions because
my graphs are usually not normal and then add to them for a
particular situation.



At 01:38 21/04/2012, you wrote:
First off, I admit it is not clear to me what you are trying to
achieve and more importantly, why? by "why" I mean 1) I don't see the
advantage of writing one general panel function for completely
different situations (one/multiple smoothers, grouping levels etc.)
your intended result as I understand it seems rather cluttered,
<chartjunk>. 3) I am unfamiliar with locfit package, but are we
reinventing the wheel here ? i.e. will modifying settings in xyplot(y
~x, xx, groups = Farm, type=c('p','smooth')) achieve the same ?

With your initial reproducible example (thank you) it was easy to
eliminate the errors, but clearly the resulting plots are not what
intended (continue inline):

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 4:23 PM, Duncan Mackay <mac...@northnet.com.au > wrote:
> 3. What I want to be able to add in the above is extra lines with
> values of nn.
>   I think I will have to modify panel.Locfit so that it goes
> different values of nn in each of the panels and groups if I want
> colours for extra lines with different nn values

Yes you could. There are several options:
add group.number to the arguments of panel.locfit and use it to make
nn a vector, along the lines of
   panel.foo <- function(x,y,group.number,theta,...){
     smpar <- theta[group.number]
xyplot (y ~ x ,xx ,group =Farm,theta=c(4,1,.4),panel=panel.superpose,panel.groups=panel.foo)

# or

Here you will need to modify the Farm group to 6 levels - 3*two

You could make nn a list and loop over it inside the panel function.
Looks like you tried something like that with specifying 2
panel.Locfit, one suggestion to your code:

                    panel.Locfit(x,y,...) # default 0.7
                       panel.Locfit(x,y,nn=0.9)   # i.e. remove the
... to avoid clashes

Finally, use ?trellis.focus to plot the second smoother "post-hoc".
also the latticeExtra package has many useful tools to create layers
of the same (or different) plot with different settings.

> 4 Produce an extra line for a fit for all the groups in 1/2+
>   As for 3 but I do not know how to group all the x and y's  for
each of the
> panes using panel.groups

Why does it matter ? seems you have failed to learn the lesson from
the first post - the same functionality applies to 1 as to multiple
panels. Does each panel have a different grouping structure ? use
packet.number() for panels similar to group.number idea.

> I need to do this and then scale up for a panel function to include
> confidence bands

than expand the xlim,ylim or scales in ?xyplot

> For the record making Farm and Padd factors. With 1 panel and
groups = Farm
> works with the extra line the same colour for its group
> a similar situation for the three panels when conditioned by Farm
and groups
> = Pad


Like I said I am a little lost on this problem but I hope this helps
giving some direction.

>  xyplot(y ~x, xx,
>         groups = Farm,
>         par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col =
>                             superpose.line   = list(col =
>                                                             lwd =
>                                                             lty =
>                             superpose.symbol = list(cex = c(0.8,
>                                                     col =
> c("red","black","blue"),
>                                                     pch =
>                   ),
>         auto.key=list(lines=T,points = T,rectangles=F),
>         panel  = panel.superpose,
>         panel.groups=function(x,y, ...){
>                        panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
>                        panel.Locfit(x,y,...) # default 0.7
>                        panel.Locfit(x,y,nn=0.9,...)
>                      }
>  ) ## xyplot
> Regards
> Duncan
> At 02:12 20/04/2012, you wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:30 AM, Duncan Mackay <mac...@northnet.com.au >
>> wrote:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> >  xyplot(y ~x|Farm,xx,
>> >         groups = Padd,
>> >         panel = panel.superpose,
>> >         panel.groups=function(x,y, ...){
>> >                        panel.Locfit(x,y,...)
>> >                        panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
>> >                      }
>> >  ) ## xyplot
>> >
>> > The above works nicely and also without par.setting giving
>> > defaults.
>> > The par.setting is handy for a lot of graphs that I do.
>> >
>> > But when I tried a 1 panel plot I get the error message.
>> >
>> >  xyplot(y ~x,xx,
>> >         groups = Farm,
>> >         auto.key=TRUE,
>> >         panel = function(x,y, ...){
>> >
>> >                        panel.Locfit(x,y,...)
>> >                        panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
>> >                      }
>> >         )
>> >
>> These two plots are NOT THE SAME. Did you want the same as the
>> but with groups being Farm and Padd ignored ? in that case you
>> need a panel.groups:
>>  xyplot(y ~x,xx,
>>       groups = Farm,
>>       auto.key=TRUE,
>>       panel = panel.superpose,panel.groups=function(x,y,...){
>>                      panel.Locfit(x,y,...)
>>                      panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
>>                    }
>>       )
>> > If I want to plot another curve with different smoothing
>> > but gives an error message without par.settings if i want to add
>> >                        panel.Locfit(x,y,nn= 0.9,lwd =
c(1,2,3), ...)
>> >
>> > Error using packet 1
>> > formal argument "Iwd" matched by multiple actual arguments
>> It is all in the way you initially specified how to pass the
>> for panel.Locfit. This works without error:
>>  xyplot(y ~x,xx,
>>       groups = Farm,
>>       auto.key=TRUE,lwd=1:3,
>>       panel = panel.superpose,panel.groups=function(x,y,nn,...){
>>                      panel.Locfit(x,y,nn=.9,...)
>>                      panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
>>                    }
>>       )
>> HTH
>> > I also need to plot a smoothed line for all groups trying
>> > subscripts
>> > and panel.groups as arguments without success
>> >
>> > Any solutions to solve the above will be gratefully received and
>> > faithfully
>> > applied.
>> >
>> > Duncan
>> >
>> > sessionInfo()
>> > R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
>> > Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
>> >
>> > locale:
>> > [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252
>> > LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
>> > LC_TIME=English_Australia.1252
>> >
>> > attached base packages:
>> > [1] datasets  utils     stats     graphics  grDevices
grid      methods
>> > base
>> >
>> > other attached packages:
>> > [1] locfit_1.5-7        R.oo_1.9.3          R.methodsS3_1.2.2
>> > foreign_0.8-49
>> >      chron_2.3-42        MASS_7.3-17 latticeExtra_0.6-19
>> > RColorBrewer_1.0-5
>> > [9] lattice_0.20-6
>> >
>> > loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> > [1] tools_2.15.0
>> >
>> >
>> >

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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