On 04/22/2012 05:00 AM, r-help-requ...@r-project.org wrote:
I am trying to run Weibull PH model  in R.

Assume in the data set  I  have x1  a continuous variable and x2 a
categorical  variable with two classes (0= sick and 1= healthy).  I fit the
model in the following way.

Test=survreg(Surv(time,cens)~ x1+x2,dist="weibull")

My questions are

1. Is it Weibull PH model or Weibull AFT model?
survreg(formula = Surv(time, delta) ~ x1 + x2, data = nn,
     dist = "weibull")
                     Value         Std. Error      z          p
(Intercept)   5.652155    3.54e-02        159.8   0.00e+00
x1                0.492592    1.92e-02        25.7   3.65e-145
x2               -0.000212    5.64e-06      -37.6    0.00e+00
Log(scale)  -0.269219     1.57e-02      -17.1   1.24e-65
Scale= 0.764
The Weibull model can be veiwed as either. The cumulative hazard for a Weibull is t^p, viewed as an AFT model we have (at)^p [multiply time], viewed as PH we have a(t^p) [multiply the hazard]. The survreg routing uses the AFT parameterization found in Chapter 2 of Kalbfleisch and Prentice, "The statistical analysis of failure time data".

For the routine our multiplier "a" above is exp(X beta), for the usual reason that negative multipliers should be avoided -- it would correspond to time running backwards. In the above x1 makes time run faster, x2 time run slower.
  Terry T

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