thank you all very much for your help. With your input and a bit more of
research in addition to that I found the answer:
I import the SPSS file without having R converted the catigorial variables
into factors.
By using the command
I get the labels, which are still there!!
Thanks again,

Paul Bivand paul.biv...@gmail.com
19. Apr. (vor 5 Tagen)
an mich; r-help
You didn't say that your workflow involved going backwards and
forwards between SPSS and R.

Importing from legacy formats like SPSS .sav is well developed, with
additional resources from packages Hmisc (spss.get) and memisc
(spss.system.file) with, in the latter case, support for reading
subsets of files.

If you need read/write access with amended SPSS datasets which
coworkers can continue to use existing syntax files for, you may need
to try going via ODBC routes.

This is a rare need, so not too well documented.

2012/4/24 Michael Bibo <michael_b...@health.qld.gov.au>

>  Hi Marion,
> I'm not clear why you would want to do this, but that's your business.  It
> seems like you're replacing meaningful labels with arbitrary ones.
> Anyway, I don't know of any way to keep arbitrary numerical codes for
> factors and labels.  (This doesn't mean there isn't a way).
> The simplest way to do what you want might be to simply recode the factor
> (using function 'recode' from package 'car'):
> > sex <- factor(c("Male" , "Female" , "Male" , "Female"))
> > sex
> [1] Male   Female Male   Female
> Levels: Female Male
> > require(car)
> > sex_num <- recode (x, ' "Male" = -2; "Female" = -3', as.factor.result =
> T)
> > sex_num
> [1] -2 -3 -2 -3
> Levels: -2 -3
> This example creates a new factor, so you have access to both. But you
> could also overwrite the original with the new factor.
> Hope this is of some help.
> Regards,
>  Michael Bibo
> Research Officer
> Projects and Research Service
> West Moreton Health Service District
> Queensland Health
> michael_b...@health.qld.gov.au
> Ph. +61 7 3818 4857
> P.O. Box 188
> Goodna,  4301
> Australia
> >>> Marion Wenty <marion.we...@gmail.com> 19/04/2012 10:34 pm >>>
> Dear Michael and Ista,
> thank you very much for your answers!
> Sorry, I think I wasn't clear about what I need. I will use an example to
> explain it again:
> I have imported the following data.frame with the following command using
> the foreign package:
> mz1<-read.spss("myfile.sav",to.data.frame=T)
>  mz1      asbhh apkz     sex
> 1 101010013    1 Female
> 2 101010013    2 Male
> 3 101010013    3 Female
> 4 101010030    1 Male
> 5 101010030    2 Female
> 6 101010043    1 Female
> 7 101010056    1 Male
> 8 101010060    1 Female
> R automatically converts the variable sex into a factor which is what I need.
> It also imports the levels, which is also what I need.
> In my example "Female" has got the number -2 as underlying code in SPSS and 
> "Male" -3. Now I need this information preserved! If I just use the command 
> as.numeric I get different numbers than in my spss file. Is there a way to 
> preserve this information and maybe switch between seeing the numerical codes 
> and the verbal codes, e.g.:
> mz1      asbhh apkz     sex
> 1 101010013    1     -2
> 2 101010013    2     -3
> 3 101010013    3     -2
> 4 101010030    1     -3
> 5 101010030    2     -2
> 6 101010043    1     -2
> 7 101010056    1     -3
> 8 101010060    1     -2
> Thank you very much for your help in advance,
> Marion
> 2012/4/13 Michael Bibo <michael_b...@health.qld.gov.au>
>> Marion Wenty <marion.wenty <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> > I have got a question concerning the underlying numerical codes when
>> > reading an SPSS file into R.
>> >
>> > I used the package foreign and when I look at a variable I get the
>> verbal
>> > codes.
>> >
>> > I would like to know how it is possible to get the underlying numerical
>> > codes as output, which are the same as in my SPSS file.
>> >
>> You don't need to import both numerical and text values;
>> R can automatically assign numerical values for
>> factors: see ?as.numeric.
>> The default sorting of factor levels in R is alphabetical.
>> To change this, see the "levels" argument of the
>> factor command: ?factor
>> Hope this helps,
>> Michael Bibo
>> Queensland Health
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