First let me say thank you for all the help everyone gave me.

Below is the code I came up with to look at Rainfall pH reading for
Kentucky and Tennessee.

Also there is a more *generic* ver of the code on my web page if anybody
ever needs it in the future.<>

Thanks again

#Load your data.
data <- read.csv("";,

#Plots the Y and X axis
plot( Year, MF,

#sets the range of the y axis

#sets the symbol type, size, and color for the 1st series
pch=20,cex=0.0, col='black', xlab="Year ", ylab="pH")

#Plots the second series
points( Year, HNWR,
#sets the symbol type, size, and color for the 2nd series
col='blue',pch=20, cex=0.0)

#Plots the 3rd series
points( Year, MCNP,
#sets the symbol type, size, and color for the 3rd series
col='red',pch=20, cex=0.0)

#Plots the 4th series
points( Year, Mackville,
#sets the symbol type, size, and color for the 4th series
col='forestgreen',pch=20, cex=0.0)

#Plots the 5th series
points( Year, GSM,
#sets the symbol type, size, and color for the 5th series
col='purple',pch=20, cex=0.0)

#draw the smooth lines.  NOTE-the span will adjust how much it is smooth
lines( loess.smooth(Year,MF, span = 0.6),col='black', lwd=4, lty=1)

lines( loess.smooth(Year,HNWR, span = 0.6),col='blue',lwd=4, lty=2)

lines( loess.smooth(Year,MCNP, span = 0.6),col='red',lwd=4, lty=3)

lines( loess.smooth(Year,Mackville, span = 0.6),col='forestgreen',lwd=3,

lines( loess.smooth(Year,GSM, span = 0.6),col='purple',lwd=3, lty=5)

#Add Legend to graph.  You can change the size of the box by changing cex =
0.75  Large # makes it larger.
legend("topleft",c("Mulberry Flat KY","Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge
TN", "Mammoth Cave Nat Park", "Mackville KY",  "Great Smokies Mount Nat
col = c("black","blue", "red", "forestgreen","purple", "orange",
"limegreen", "gray49", "yellow"),
cex = 0.9,text.col = "black",lty = c(1,2,3,4,5),lwd=c(3),pch = c(-1),
merge = TRUE, bg = 'gray90')

#Add title
title(main="Rainfall pH
Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing Curve")

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