I´m using this version of R

R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30)
Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

2012/5/5 Trying To learn again <tryingtolearnag...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I´m re-starting (as my name indicates) my little knowlegde of CRAN R.
> I made this function time before but I don´t know where is the error
> because nothing appears as an error but the histogram plot doesn´t appear.
> Should I install some special library to run sapply?
> pru<-function(){
> randz<-matrix(rnorm(200000),100,2000)
> H<-matrix(0,100,2000)
> for (j in 2:2000){
> for (i in 2:100){
> H[1,]<-randz[1,]
> H[i,j]<-H[i-1,j]+randz[i,j]
> }}
> hy<-nrow(H)-1
> estima<-H[2:nrow(H),]
> estima2<-H[1:hy,]
> a<-estima
> b<-estima2
> mycoef <- function(x, y) coefficients( lm(y ~ x-1) )
> rest <- sapply(2:2000, function(i){
>                y <- a[,i]
>                x <- b[,i]
>               mycoef(x,y)
>                }
>             )
> print(summary(rest))
> hist(rest,col="blue",breaks=seq(0.6,1.05,0.01),prob=TRUE)
> lines(density(rest,bw=0.03))
> rug(rest)
> }
> Many Thanks¡¡¡

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