Sorry about that. Basically I have two fixed factors (experimental group and sex) and a random factor (brood). I need the random factor to control for pseudoreplication because I have siblings, which are pseudoreplicates because share genes/environment. however, it is not a nested design. Then I have 8 variables. so I want to compare the covariance structures among groups while controlling for the random factor. I was told that R might do that, I mean a manova with mixed effects. Cheers David ______________________________________________
David Costantini, PhD NERC Postdoctoral research associate Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine School of Life Sciences College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences University of Glasgow Graham Kerr Building, room 511 Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK See also my association Ornis italica ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ From: Helios de Rosario [] Sent: Fri 18/05/2012 15.14 To: David Costantini; Subject: Re: [R] MANOVA with random factor Hi, after re-reading I think that I misunderstood your question. You don't provide many details, but I suppose that the "brood" effect is nested within the fixed effects, so you don't mean a multivariate approach for a split-plot or a repeated-measures design, but the analysis of a multivariate mixed effects model. Do you? In that case, perhaps the package MCMCglmm may help, although I have never used it, so I can't tell anything for sure. Helios >>> El día 17/05/2012 a las 12:05, "David Costantini" <> escribió: > Dear All > I would need to perform a MANOVA with both fixed (group, sex, group*sex) and > random (brood) effects. I wonder if this is at all possible and if R does > that. > At the moment, I only know that I can run a classic MANOVA with R. > > Thank you > David > > ______________________________________________ > > David Costantini, PhD > > <> > NERC Postdoctoral research associate > > Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine > School of Life Sciences > College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences > University of Glasgow > Graham Kerr Building, room 511 > Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK > > See also my association Ornis italica > <> > <> > ____________________________________________________ > > > > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA Universidad Politécnica de Valencia * Edificio 9C Camino de Vera s/n * 46022 VALENCIA (ESPAÑA) Tel. +34 96 387 91 60 * Fax +34 96 387 91 69 Antes de imprimir este e-mail piense bien si es necesario hacerlo. En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 reguladora de la Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos de que el presente mensaje contiene información confidencial, siendo para uso exclusivo del destinatario arriba indicado. En caso de no ser usted el destinatario del mismo le informamos que su recepción no le autoriza a su divulgación o reproducción por cualquier medio, debiendo destruirlo de inmediato, rogándole lo notifique al remitente. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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