Just adding a few cents to this:

rowMedians(x) is roughly 4-10 times faster than apply(x, MARGIN=1,
FUN=median) - at least on my local Windows 7 64bit tests.  You can do
these simple benchmark runs yourself via the
matrixStats/tests/rowMedians.R system test, cf. http://goo.gl/YCJed


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Preeti <pre...@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
> Hmm.. that is interesting... I did this on our server machine which has
> about 200 cores. So memory is not an issue. Also, building the dataframe
> takes about a few minutes maximum for me. My code is similar to yours but
> for the fact that I create my dataframe from read.delim("filename") and
> then I drop the first column because it has characters. I don't know why it
> takes long on my machine.
> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Benno Pütz <pu...@mpipsykl.mpg.de> wrote:
>> I wonder how you do this (or maybe on what kind of machine you execute it).
>> I tried it out of curiosity and get
>> > df = as.data.frame(lapply(1:300,function(x)sample(200,250000,T)))
>> > colnames(df) = sample(letters[1:20],300,T)
>> > system.time(dfmed<-lapply(unique(colnames(df)), function(x)
>> + rowMedians(as.matrix(df[,colnames(df) == x]),na.rm=TRUE)))
>>    user  system elapsed
>>   5.680   0.952   7.171
>> and those times are in seconds! The time consuming part was building the
>> data.frame not the calculation.
>> The only thing I noticed is that my R process claims some 1.4 GB of memory
>> but that should not be a problem on any recent hardware but my guess at
>> answering your question would be that this might be your problem,
>> especially if you have other memory-hogging variables like this data frame
>> lying around and you see severe memory swapping effects
>> Benno
>> Hello Everybody,
>> The code:
>> dfmed<-lapply(unique(colnames(df)), function(x)
>> rowMedians(as.matrix(df[,colnames(df) == x]),na.rm=TRUE))
>> takes really long time to execute ( in hours). Is there a faster way to do
>> this?
>> Thanks!
>> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Preeti <pre...@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks Henrik! Here is the one-liner that I wrote:
>> dfmed<-lapply(unique(colnames(df)), function(x)
>> rowMedians(as.matrix(df[,colnames(df) == x]),na.rm=TRUE))
>> Thanks again!
>> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Henrik Bengtsson <h...@biostat.ucsf.edu
>> >wrote:
>> See rowMedians() of the matrixStats package for replacing apply(x,
>> MARGIN=1, FUN=median). /Henrik
>> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Preeti <pre...@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a 250,000 by 300 matrix. I am trying to calculate the median of
>> those columns (by row) with column names that are identical. I would
>> like
>> this to be efficient since apply(x,1,median) where x is created by
>> choosing
>> only those columns with same column name and looping on this is taking a
>> really long time. Is there an efficient way to do this?
>> Thanks!
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