
thank you very much for your reply, Rui Barradas.

> In my workspace everything was converted either to non-empty strings or 
> NULLs.
> This is how to do it.
> r1 <- lapply(r, function(x) x[nchar(x) > 0])
> r1 <- lapply(r1, function(x) if(length(x)) x else NULL)  # second pass
> country.list <- r1[ -which(sapply(r1,  is.null)) ]
> country.list
Thank you.
I tried it but I've still got the same result as before, unfortunately:
> x <- readLines("sabina.txt")
> s <- strsplit(x, ";[[:space:]]\\[")
> r <- lapply(s, function(x) sapply(strsplit(x, "[[:blank:]]"), tail, 1))
> length(r)
[1] 20
> r[[20]] <- NULL
> r[[19]] <- r[[19]][ -length(r[[19]]) ]
> r1 <- lapply(r, function(x) x[nchar(x) > 0])
> r1 <- lapply(r1, function(x) if(length(x)) x else NULL)  # second pass
> country.list <- r1[ -which(sapply(r1,  is.null)) ]
> country.list

> After removing the nulls, in my workspace the list numbers are 
> different, but you could remove unwanted values along the lines of
> bad <- -length(r[[18]])
> r[[18]] <- r[[18]][ -bad ]
> Note that you could do this to 'country.list', it might be simpler.
OK, which step would this be in the order above?
And how / where do I get the country name that was incorrectly replaced by the 
Article Identifier?

> If it all works correctly, adjustments can be made, if not it might be 
> premature. I don't know.
I see.

> See how it goes, so far.
See above, please.

> You're welcome,
Thank you!

Faithfully yours,

Sabina Arndt

PS: I cut the old messages to save list space.
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