Hello all:

I am confused about the output from a lm() model with an incomplete 
design/missing level.

I have two categorical predictors and a continuous covariate (day) that 
I am using to model larval mass (l.mass):

leaf.species has three levels - map, syc, and oak

cond.time has two levels - 30 and 150.

There are no response values for Map-150, so that entire, two-way, level 
is missing.

When running anova() on the model with Type I SS, the full factorial 
design does not return errors; however, using package:car Anova() and 
Type III SS, I receive an singularity error unless I used the argument 
'singular.ok = T' (it is defaulted to F).

So, why don't I receive an error with anova() when I do with Anova(type 
= "III")?  How do anova() and Anova() handle incomplete designs, and how 
can interactions of variables with missing levels be interpreted?

I realize these are fairly broad questions, but any insight would be 
helpful. Thanks, all.

Below is code to illustrate my question(s):

     > lmMass <- lm(log(l.mass) ~ day*leaf.species + cond.time, data =
    growth.data) #lm() without cond.time interactions
     > lmMassInt <- lm(log(l.mass) ~ day*leaf.species*cond.time, data =
    growth.data) #lm() with cond.time interactions
     > anova(lmMass); anova(lmMassInt) #ANOVA summary of both models
    with Type I SS
    Analysis of Variance Table

    Response: log(l.mass)
                       Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
    day                1  51.373  51.373 75.7451 2.073e-15
    leaf.species       2   0.340   0.170  0.2506    0.7786
    cond.time          1   0.161   0.161  0.2369    0.6271
    day:leaf.species   2   1.296   0.648  0.9551    0.3867
    Residuals        179 121.404   0.678
    Analysis of Variance Table

    Response: log(l.mass)
                                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)
    day                          1  51.373  51.373 76.5651 1.693e-15
    leaf.species                 2   0.340   0.170  0.2533 0.77654
    cond.time                    1   0.161   0.161  0.2394 0.62523
    day:leaf.species             2   1.296   0.648  0.9655 0.38281
    day:cond.time                1   0.080   0.080  0.1198 0.72965
    leaf.species:cond.time       1   1.318   1.318  1.9642 0.16282
    day:leaf.species:cond.time   1   1.915   1.915  2.8539 0.09293
    Residuals                  176 118.091   0.671
     > Anova(lmMass, type = 'III'); Anova(lmMassInt, type = 'III')
    #ANOVA summary of both models with Type III SS
    Anova Table (Type III tests)

    Response: log(l.mass)
                       Sum Sq  Df F value   Pr(>F)
    (Intercept)       39.789   1 58.6653 1.13e-12
    day                3.278   1  4.8336  0.02919
    leaf.species       0.934   2  0.6888  0.50352
    cond.time          0.168   1  0.2472  0.61968
    day:leaf.species   1.296   2  0.9551  0.38672
    Residuals        121.404 179
    Error in Anova.III.lm(mod, error, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) :
       there are aliased coefficients in the model
     > Anova(lmMassInt, type = 'III', singular.ok = T) #Given the error
    in Anova() above, set singular.ok = T
    Anova Table (Type III tests)

    Response: log(l.mass)
                                 Sum Sq  Df F value  Pr(>F)
    (Intercept)                 39.789   1 59.3004 9.402e-13
    day                          3.278   1  4.8860   0.02837
    leaf.species                 1.356   2  1.0103   0.36623
    cond.time                    0.124   1  0.1843   0.66822
    day:leaf.species             2.783   2  2.0738   0.12877
    day:cond.time                0.805   1  1.1994   0.27493
    leaf.species:cond.time       0.568   1  0.8462   0.35888
    day:leaf.species:cond.time   1.915   1  2.8539   0.09293
    Residuals                  118.091 176

Justin Montemarano
Graduate Student
Kent State University - Biological Sciences

Justin Montemarano
Graduate Student
Kent State University - Biological Sciences


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