
With Michael's sugestions (I keep forgeting package compiler)

t0 <- system.time({ ... variant 3.b ...

## Variant 3.c                                 ##


basedeck <- rep(10^(1:4), 13)
pow10x5 <- 5*10^(1:4)
currentdeck <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol=noplayer)

singlecolor1 <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)
singlecolor2 <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)

## sum by .colSums
f1 <- function(){
 sapply(1:simlength, function(i){
   currentdeck[] <- sample(basedeck, decklength)
   .colSums(currentdeck, 5, noplayer) %in% pow10x5

f2 <- cmpfun(f1)  # cmpfun: compile function
is.function(f2)   # TRUE

t1 <- system.time( singlecolor1[] <- f1() )

t2 <- system.time( singlecolor2[] <- f2() )

identical(singlecolor1, singlecolor2)
rbind(v3.b=t0, v3.c.1=t1, v3.c.2=t2, factor=t0/t2)

Not another 3 or 4x but faster.

Rui Barradas

Em 15-06-2012 15:50, R. Michael Weylandt escreveu:
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 9:48 AM, R. Michael Weylandt
<michael.weyla...@gmail.com> wrote:
As of recent versions of R, you can actually go for what are
officially recognized as "ultimate speed" functions .rowSums() and

Sorry, perhaps that wasn't totally clear. Regarding .rowSums() note
that leading period. You pass this a slightly different set of
arguments (including matrix dims) but it goes straight down to C with
no code in R so it will be faster.

You might also use the compiler() package to byte-compile that inner

Also, shouldn't have put parens after compiler.


loop. [The function going to sapply] It won't be massive, but perhaps
another 3 or 4x


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Simon Knos
<simon_mail...@quantentunnel.de> wrote:
Rui, thank you very much.

I keep forgetting about the rowSum and friends. (precalculating the
powers just slipped my attention).

And, yes, a factor of will of course do. Do you see a further
improvement in this case?



On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Rui Barradas <ruipbarra...@sapo.pt> wrote:

Will a factor of 4 do?
This is variant 3, revised.

## Variant 3.b                                 ##


## Initialize matrix to hold results
singlecolor <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)

## construct the deck to sample from
basedeck <- rep(10^(1:4), 13)
## Pre-compute this vector, don't re-compute inside a loop
pow10x5 <- 5*10^(1:4)

## This one uses matrix(...,5) to create the individual hands
## but it's created in advance
currentdeck <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol=noplayer)

## comparison by using %in%
  singlecolor[] <- sapply(1:simlength, function(i){
   currentdeck[] <- sample(basedeck, decklength)
   colSums(currentdeck) %in% pow10x5
apply(singlecolor, 2, mean)  ## colMeans()
mean(apply(singlecolor, 2, mean))

Note that the real speed gain is in colSums, all the rest gave me around 1.5
secs or 5% only.

Rui Barradas

Em 15-06-2012 09:40, Simon Knos escreveu:

Dear List Members

I used to play around with R to answer the following question by
simulation (I am aware there is an easy explicit solution, but this is
intended to serve as instructional example).

Suppose you have a poker game with 6 players and a deck of 52 cards.
Compute the empirical frequencies of having a single-suit hand. The
way I want the result structured is a boolean nosimulation by noplayer
matrix containing true or false
depending whether the specific player was dealt a single-suit hand.
The code itself is quite short: 1 line to "deal the cards", 1 line to
check whether any of the six players has single-suit hand.

I played around with different variants (all found below) and managed
to gain some speed, however, I subjectively still find it quite slow.

I would thus very much appreciate if anybody could point me to
a) speed improvments in general
b) speed improvements using the compiler package: At what level is
cmpfun best used in this particular example?

Thank you very much,



noplayer <- 6
simlength <- 1e+05
decklength <- 5 * noplayer

## Variant 1                                   ##

## Initialize matrix to hold results
singlecolor <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)
## construct the deck to sample from
basedeck <- rep(1:4, 13)
## This one uses split to create the individual hands

  for (i in 1:simlength) {
    currentdeck <- split(sample(basedeck, decklength), rep(1:noplayer, 5))
    singlecolor[i, ] <- sapply(currentdeck, function(inv) {
length(unique(inv)) == 1 })
apply(singlecolor, 2, mean)
mean(apply(singlecolor, 2, mean))

## Variant 2                                   ##

## Initialize matrix to hold results
singlecolor <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)

## construct the deck to sample from
basedeck <- rep(10^(1:4), 13)

## This one uses matrix(...,5) to create the individual hands
## comparison by using powers of ten
  for (i in 1:simlength) {
    sampledeck <- sample(basedeck, decklength)
    currentdeck <- matrix(sampledeck, nrow = 5)
    singlecolor[i, ] <- apply(currentdeck, 2, function(inv) {
any(sum(inv) == (5 * 10^(1:4))) })
apply(singlecolor, 2, mean)
mean(apply(singlecolor, 2, mean))

## Variant 3                                   ##

## Initialize matrix to hold results
singlecolor <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)

## construct the deck to sample from
basedeck <- rep(10^(1:4), 13)

## This one uses matrix(...,5) to create the individual hands
## comparison by using %in%
  for (i in 1:simlength) {
    sampledeck <- sample(basedeck, decklength)
    currentdeck <- matrix(sampledeck, nrow = 5)
    singlecolor[i, ] <- apply(currentdeck, 2, sum) %in% (5 * 10^(1:4))
apply(singlecolor, 2, mean)
mean(apply(singlecolor, 2, mean))

## Variant 4                                   ##

## Initialize matrix to hold results
singlecolor <- matrix(NA, simlength, noplayer)

## construct the deck to sample from
basedeck <- rep(1:4, 13)

## This one uses matrix(...,5) to create the individual hands
## comparison by using length(unique(...))
  for (i in 1:simlength) {
    sampledeck <- sample(basedeck, decklength)
    currentdeck <- matrix(sampledeck, nrow = 5)
    singlecolor[i, ] <- apply(currentdeck, 2, function(inv) {
length(unique(inv)) == 1 })
apply(singlecolor, 2, mean)
mean(apply(singlecolor, 2, mean))

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