try this; looks for strings of numbers with commas and quotes them:

> x <- readLines(textConnection("Time,Value
+ 32,-7,183246E-02
+ 32,05,3,469364E-02"))
> # process the data putting in quotes on scientific
> x.new1 <- gsub("(-?[0-9]+,[0-9]+E-?[0-9]+)", '"\\1"', x)
> x.new1
[1] "Time,Value"             "32,\"-7,183246E-02\""   "32,05,\"3,469364E-02\""
> # put quotes on just numbers
> x.new2 <- gsub("(-?[0-9]+,[0-9]+)(,|$)", '"\\1"\\2', x.new1)
> x.new2
[1] "Time,Value"                 "32,\"-7,183246E-02\""
> temp <- tempfile()
> writeLines(x.new2, temp)
> x.input <- read.csv(temp)
> x.input
   Time         Value
1    32 -7,183246E-02
2 32,05  3,469364E-02

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Guillaume Meurice
<> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have some encoding problem which I'm not familiar with.
> Here is the case :
> I'm read data files which can have been generated from a  computer either 
> with global settings in french or in english.
> Here is an exemple ouf data file :
> * English output
> Time,Value
> 17,-0.0753953
> 17.05,-6.352454E-02
> * French output.
> Time,Value
> 32,-7,183246E-02
> 32,05,3,469364E-02
> In the first case, I can totally retrieve both columns, splitting each line 
> using the comma as a separator.
> In the second case, it's impossible, since the comma (in french) is also used 
> to separate decimal. Usually, the CSV french file format add some quote, to 
> distinguish the comma used as column separator from comma used as decimal, 
> like the following :
> Time,Value
> 32,"-7,183246E-02"
> "32,05","3,469364E-02"
> Since I'm expecting 2 numbers, I can set that if there is 3 comma, the first 
> two number are to be gathered as well as the two lefting ones.
> But in case of only two comma, which number is the floating one (I know that 
> it is the second one, but who this is a great source of bugs ...).
> the unix tools "file" returns :
> ===
> $ file P23_RD06_High\ Sensitivity\ DNA\ 
> Assay_DE04103664_2012-06-27_11-57-29_Sample1.csv
> $ P23_RD06_High Sensitivity DNA 
> Assay_DE04103664_2012-06-27_11-57-29_Sample1.csv: ASCII text, with CRLF line 
> terminators
> ===
> Unfortunately, the raw file doesn't contains the precious quote. So sorry to 
> bother with this question which is not totally related to R (which I'm 
> using). Do you know if there any facilities using R to get the data in the 
> good format ?
> Bests,
> --
> Guillaume Meurice - PhD
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