
What would be the best set of R functions to parse and transform a file?

My file looks as shown below. I would like to plot this data and I need to 
parse it into a single data frame that sorts of "transposes the data" with the 
following structure:

> df <- data.frame(n=c(1,1,2,2),iter=c(1,2,1,2),step=as.factor(c('Step 1', 
> 'Step2', 'Step 1', 'Step 2')),value=c(10, 10, 10, 10))
> str(df)
'data.frame':   4 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ n    : num  1 1 2 2
 $ iter : num  1 2 1 2
 $ step : Factor w/ 3 levels "Step 1","Step 2",..: 1 3 1 2
 $ value: num  10 10 10 10

n=extracted from the file name "logdet_two_moons_n>>>>10<<<<.txt"
step=column Step1, Step2, Step3, Step4
value=value of the specific Step column 

And this is one possible data frame variation to be able to plot the time 
proportions for the different steps of my algorithm. 

Best regards,

Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1   Step2   
Step3   Step4
2       2       0.000000e+00    1.912976e-03    1       0.000000e+00    
1.779780e-03    7.214600e-05    1.243600e-05    2.246700e-05
Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1   Step2   
Step3   Step4
4       9       0.000000e+00    1.280841e-03    2       -7.105427e-15   
9.557570e-04    2.301610e-04    1.571100e-05    2.177300e-05
Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1   Step2   
Step3   Step4
10      32      3.133476e-03    6.075853e-03    8       4.057531e-01    
1.613035e-03    3.956920e-03    3.077200e-05    4.390900e-05
20      28      5.597685e-04    4.376530e-03    16      4.711146e-03    
0.000000e+00    4.390998e-03    2.229600e-05    2.517100e-05
30      27      1.148159e-04    4.357923e-03    22      8.408166e-06    
0.000000e+00    4.326610e-03    2.697700e-05    3.233200e-05
40      27      4.036778e-05    4.388260e-03    29      2.529294e-07    
0.000000e+00    4.329726e-03    2.713000e-05    3.558400e-05
50      27      1.840383e-05    4.357373e-03    36      1.341111e-07    
0.000000e+00    4.327526e-03    3.097000e-05    3.255700e-05
53      27      0.000000e+00    1.322382e-03    36      -2.842171e-14   
0.000000e+00    1.327239e-03    1.420400e-05    2.043500e-05
Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1   Step2   
Step3   Step4
10      70      7.739525e-03    2.389529e-02    8       1.494829e+00    
2.975209e-03    1.873082e-02    4.713600e-05    5.837200e-05
20      74      3.379192e-03    2.084753e-02    15      3.372041e-01    
0.000000e+00    2.084637e-02    4.302400e-05    3.907800e-05
30      76      1.322821e-03    2.093204e-02    21      1.018845e-01    
0.000000e+00    2.083170e-02    4.704100e-05    5.707100e-05
40      78      1.176950e-03    2.095179e-02    28      2.447970e-02    
0.000000e+00    2.088284e-02    4.890700e-05    4.955100e-05
50      78      2.233669e-04    2.050571e-02    35      1.573952e-02    
0.000000e+00    2.045954e-02    4.046600e-05    3.899000e-05
60      78      2.167956e-04    2.095130e-02    39      8.362982e-03    
0.000000e+00    2.082586e-02    6.699700e-05    8.506400e-05
70      78      2.085968e-04    2.085355e-02    46      5.135190e-03    
0.000000e+00    2.083204e-02    5.432900e-05    4.078600e-05
80      78      2.570800e-04    2.044932e-02    51      5.470225e-04    
0.000000e+00    2.033571e-02    5.334200e-05    5.318400e-05
81      78      0.000000e+00    2.099610e-03    51      1.421085e-14    
0.000000e+00    2.100072e-03    9.147000e-06    2.324800e-05
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