Hello everybody,

I would like to make boxplots for my hierachical cluster, but only i found
a package that not works with the current version.


I hope you can help me. Thank you. Best regards, Dominic


cluster.Invierno <- daisy(datos.corre[,-3],metric="gower",stand=TRUE)

> str(datos.corre[,-3])
'data.frame':   56 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ Estacion: Factor w/ 56 levels "Abradelo","AltoDoRodicio",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Invierno: num  36 53.9 37.1 63.6 12.5 ...
 $ X       : int  643449 616292 562796 669916 625025 631194 511201 524431
641809 590324 ...
 $ X.1     : int  4734442 4684126 4696309 4743224 4723028 4833932 4649389
4701030 4706108 4765782 ...
 $ X.2     : int  826 981 553 1364 432 421 473 424 697 731 ...
 $ X.3     : num  87961 82902 30608 84260 94169 ...

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