Greetings glmmADMB function users,
I am trying to run a series of models using the glmmADMB function with several 
different distribution families (e.g., poisson, negbinom). I am using a 
Optiplex 790 PC with Windows 7, 16.0 GB of RAM and a 64-bit operating system. I 
am running R version 2.15.0 and started out using the most recent version of 
glmmADMB (I believe version 7.2.15). 
My data is zero inflated count data that is overdispersed. When I ran the 
following code for either a zero inflated poisson (family="poisson") or a neg 
binomial (i.e., family="nbinom"):
fit_zipoiss1 <- glmmadmb(LOCS~D_ROADS + (1|YEAR) , data=FAWNS, 
zeroInflation=TRUE, family="poisson", mcmc=TRUE)
I get the error: 
Error in glmmadmb(LOCS ~ D_ROADS + (1 | YEAR), data = FAWNS, zeroInflation = 
TRUE,  :
The function maximizer failed (couldn't find STD file)
I tried setting the number of mcmc iterations by running the following code: 
fit_zipoiss <- glmmadmb(LOCS~D_ROADS + (1|YEAR) , data=FAWNS, 
family="poisson", mcmc=TRUE, mcmc.opts=mcmcControl(mcmc=50000))
but again received the same "Function maximizer...." error. 
As suggested by previous users (specifically Ben Bolker) I downloaded an 
earlier version of glmmADMB ("glmmADMB_0.7.tar.gz") and re-ran the same models 
(e.g., poisson and neg. binomial) and received the same error. As suggested by 
Mr. Bolker and others I also tried running both a poisson and neg. binomial 
model with "admb.opts=admbControl(shess=FALSE,noinit=FALSE) " and received the 
same error.
I am not sure if an even older version of glmmADMB (i.e., glmmADMB v. 0.6.5) 
would work as it seems to have worked for others but I am unsure of where I can 
find this version?
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Nate Svoboda 
Nathan Svoboda
Graduate Research Assistant
Mississippi State University

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