No, this is not what I want, "wc" is just an example. What I want is to
shut a process to do a task outside R, and to
get its results back in R

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 1:07 PM, arun <> wrote:

> Hi,
> If you want to just count the words in R, try this:
> vec1<-c("uno dos tres", "cuatro cinco", "seis")
> #get individual word count within quotes
> res1<-unlist(lapply(strsplit(vec1, " "),length))
> res1
> #[1] 3 2 1
> #get whole word count
> length(unlist(strsplit(vec1, " ")))
> #[1] 6
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Julio Sergio Santana <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 1:40 PM
> Subject: [R] Trying to use pipes in R
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use pipes in R. By now, I could launch the linux command "wc"
> (to count words from a text), but
> I don't know how to capture the results, say in a vector of chars...
> Here is the R code I'm trying:
> :> f <- pipe("wc", open="w")
> :> writeLines(c("uno dos tres", "cuatro cinco", "seis"), f)
> :> close(f)
> :     3       6      31
> The result is just displayed but I couldn't put the result into a R
> variable.
> Do you have any comments on this?
> Thanks,
> -- Sergio.
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