See ?panel.bwplot for pch="|".
That explains that pch="|" puts horizontal lines instead of dots at the
median(and also at the
The rep makes it into a vector to be indexed by panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh
in each of its calls to panel.bwplot

The names under each plot are the levels of the factor, in this example
You called them 1:13 in your example.  If you want to give them names do so
as a factor.
For example

Control the staples with box.umbrella, again see ?panel.bwplot and

The revised example here does all three of your requests.

dataN <- data.frame(GE_distance=rnorm(260),
                    Diet_B=factor(rep(1:13, each=20)))
Diet.colors <- c("forestgreen", "darkgreen","chocolate1","darkorange2",
levels(dataN$Diet_B) <- Diet.colors
bwplot(GE_distance ~ Diet_B, data=dataN,
       xlab=list("Diet of Breeding Ground", cex = 1.4),
       ylab = list(
         "Distance between Centers of B and NB Range (1000 km)",
         cex = 1.4),

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Elaine Kuo <>wrote:

> Hello Richard,
> Your answer is a great help to my problem.
> The boxplot of 13 colors is very beautiful :)
> By the way, I have three subsequent questions of your code
> 1. the meaning of  pch=rep("|",13)
> I read the R manual but could not interpret the part.
> "pch" means the point type in plot, but here not sure.
> 2. how to write names under each box
> In boxplot, "names" can explain each box,
> but here "names" does not work.
> 3. how to make staple from dash to solid line
> Thanks again
> Elaine
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Richard M. Heiberger <>wrote:
>> ## I would do this in lattice using the panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh
>> ## function from the HH package.
>> ## install.packages("HH") ## if necessary
>> library(HH)
>> dataN <- data.frame(GE_distance=rnorm(260),
>>                     Diet_B=factor(rep(1:13, each=20)))
>> Diet.colors <- c("forestgreen", "darkgreen","chocolate1","darkorange2",
>>                   "sienna2","red2","firebrick3","saddlebrown","coral4",
>>                  "chocolate4","darkblue","navy","grey38")
>> bwplot(GE_distance ~ Diet_B, data=dataN,
>>        xlab=list("Diet of Breeding Ground", cex = 1.4),
>>        ylab = list(
>>          "Distance between Centers of B and NB Range (1000 km)",
>>          cex = 1.4),
>>        panel=panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh,
>>        col=Diet.colors,
>>        pch=rep("|",13))
>> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Elaine Kuo <>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am making a boxplot of 13 boxes.
>>> I tried to color the box using 13 colors but failed.
>>> Only red and brown were displayed.
>>> Green, blue, and grey disappeared.
>>> Please kindly advise modification after checking the code below.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Elaine
>>> R code
>>> # data input
>>>     dataN
>>> <-read.csv("H:/a_mig_distance_B_NB/R_data/Mig_bird_586_20120925.csv",header=T,
>>> row.names=1)
>>>     dim(dataN)
>>>     dataN[1,]
>>>     str(dataN)
>>>   # graph
>>>     par(mai=c(1,1.03,0.4,0.4))
>>>     par(new=T)
>>>     boxplot(GE_distance~Diet_B, data=dataN,xlab="Diet  of  Breeding
>>>  Ground",ylab="",
>>>     yaxt="n",type="p",
>>>     pch=1,lwd=0.95,
>>>     cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.2,
>>>     font.axis=2,
>>>     cex=1.5,
>>>     las=1,
>>>     bty="l",
>>>     col=c("forestgreen",
>>> "darkgreen","chocolate1","darkorange2","sienna2",
>>> "red2","firebrick3",
>>> "saddlebrown","coral4","chocolate4","darkblue","navy","grey38")[]))
>>>     op = par(mar = c(5,5,4,2) + 0.1)
>>>     title(ylab = "Distance between Centers of B and NB Range (1000 km)",
>>> cex.lab = 1.4,line = 3)
>>>     axis(side=2,yaxp=c(0,20000,4),cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.2,font.axis=2,
>>> las=1)
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