File operations are not vectorizable. About the only thing you can do for the 
iterating through files part might be to use lapply instead of a for loop, but 
that is mostly a style change.

Once you have read the dbf files there will probably be vector functions you 
can use (quantile). Off the top of my head I don't know a function that tells 
you which value corresponds to a particular quantile, but you can probably sort 
the data with order(), find the value whose ecdf is just below your target with 
which.max, and look at the row number of that value.

x <- rnorm(11)
names(x) <- seq(x)
xs <- x[order(x)]
Row90 <- as.numeric(names (xs)[0.9<=seq(xs)/length(xs))])

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Sam Asin <> wrote:

>Sorry if this process is too simple for this list.  I know I can do it,
>I always read online about how when using R one should always try to
>loops and use vectors.  I am wondering if there exists a more "R
>way to do this than to use for loops.
>I have a dataset that has a list of "ID"s.  Let's call this dataset
>Each of these "ID"s has an associated DBF file.  The DBF files each
>the same title, and they are each located in a directory path that
>includes, as one of the folder names, the "ID".
>These DBF files have 2 columns of interest.  One is the "run number"
>other is the "statistic."  I'm interested in the median and 90th
>of the "statistic" as well as their corresponding run numbers. 
>I want a table that consists of
>ID Run_50th Stat_50 Run_90 Stat_90
>1AB      5    102010     3         144376
>1AC      3    999999     6         999999999
>Where I currently have a dataset that has
>And there are several DBF files that are in folders i.e.
>This dbf looks like
>run   Stat
>1      10
>2      10
>3      999999
>4      100000000000
>5      100000000
>6       9999999999
>7      100000000
>8     10
>9     10
>10    10
>11     1000000
>I know i could do this with a loop, but I can't see the efficient, R
> I was hoping that you experienced R programmers could give me some
>pointers on the most efficient way to achieve this result.
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