Thanks Rui.I actually exactly did that.

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 05:49:20 -0700
Subject: Re: Calculating all possible ratios


Comment out the second apply and all following instructions using 'r2'. 

In the end return 'r1', not cbind.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 04-10-2012 23:38, genome1976 escreveu:

> Hi Rui,


> A while ago you helped me with calculaing all possible ratios from a dataset.


> This is the code I am using as suggested by you.


> data <- read.table("new_data.txt", header=T, row.names=1, sep="\t")

> pairwise.ratios <- function(x, prefix="probeset", char=":"){

>          n <- ncol(x)

>          cn <- colnames(x)

>          if(length(cn) == 0){

>                  cn <- gsub(" ", "0", formatC(, width=nchar(n)))

>                  cn <- paste(prefix, cn, sep="")

>          }

>          cmb <- combn(n, 2)

>          r1 <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[, j[1]]/x[, j[2]])

>          r2 <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[, j[2]]/x[, j[1]])

>          colnames(r1) <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) paste(cn[j], 
> collapse=char))

>          colnames(r2) <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) paste(cn[rev(j)], 
> collapse=char))

>          cbind(r1, r2)[, order(c(colnames(r1), colnames(r2)))]

> }

> results <- pairwise.ratios(data.t)

> write.table(t(results), "ratios_results.txt", sep="\t")


> It works perfectly fine only that it gives both pairs of ratios a:b and b:a 
> for any two variables a and b.

> Can you suggest me a way so that I get only one ratio and not both 
> (Combination with caring for the order and not Permutation??)


> Thanks for any help.


> Best Regards,

> Som.






> Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 15:20:52 -0700

> From: [hidden email]

> To: [hidden email]

> Subject: RE: Calculating all possible ratios


> Hello,


> Nothing wrong with me, maybe your R session has some conflicting objects.

> Running the function in the previous post on the first 4 rows and first 6 
> columns of your dataset the result was (copy&paste to your session)


> result <- structure(c(8.74714923153198, 1.83094400392095, 9.92065138471113,

> 1.77145415014708, 1.01515180575001, 0.167175438316099, 0.222321656865252,

> 0.155576771874649, 3.09417748158541, 0.469647988505747, 1.29398633565582,

> 0.524043736521509, 3.75969597954255, 0.422694576901317, 9.75471698113208,

> 0.290397651827521, 4.9035575319622, 1.00105273231888, 1.01093964697178,

> 0.26895145631068, 0.114322960947685, 0.546166347992352, 0.100799832714726,

> 0.564507977763338, 0.11605516024473, 0.0913055986191245, 0.0224099858208782,

> 0.0878243288779063, 0.353735531392494, 0.256505926724138, 0.130433606169248,

> 0.295826869963301, 0.42981957664441, 0.230861553382365, 0.983273839877614,

> 0.163931791180376, 0.56058921623124, 0.546741314958369, 0.10190254729944,

> 0.151825242718447, 0.9850743448771, 5.98173996175908, 4.49798734905118,

> 6.4276947512815, 8.61659229879359, 10.9522309159971, 44.6229644227777,

> 11.3863665430362, 3.04799485560622, 2.8093121408046, 5.82033416762497,

> 3.36839317468124, 3.70358005398494, 2.52844904226946, 43.8765935747068,

> 1.86658746243623, 4.83036872336483, 5.98803713273998, 4.54719374273333,

> 1.72873786407767, 0.323187666496628, 2.12925430210325, 0.772805687699305,

> 1.90823767237023, 2.82697074863659, 3.89854539725884, 7.66673581578674,

> 3.38035554418724, 0.328084543240185, 0.35595902124055, 0.1718114409242,

> 0.296877457036954, 1.21508737036511, 0.900024246342843, 7.53850076491586,

> 0.554147739185128, 1.58476931628683, 2.13149583692219, 0.781259909100518,

> 0.513223300970874, 0.265978952936953, 2.36577437858509, 0.102514506769826,

> 3.44355401535389, 2.32655759378615, 4.33160041310018, 1.01701068353905,

> 6.10009805175427, 0.270009014365446, 0.395499368696959, 0.0227911949977918,

> 0.535737017484743, 0.822986086753186, 1.11108117816092, 0.132652370966651,

> 1.8045729131197, 1.30424309801742, 2.36826490573261, 0.103635979283374,

> 0.926148867313916, 0.203933571388086, 0.998948374760994, 0.989178733859585,

> 3.71814309436142, 1.78383738225087, 1.82901853699522, 9.81329737579089,

> 6.58652001534723, 0.207023533247665, 0.166999632405824, 0.219915855047535,

> 0.578456699988768, 0.631006664328306, 0.469154094827586, 1.27998376513563,

> 1.9484696000908, 0.76672822844154, 0.422250060615857, 9.64915859255482,

> 1.07974002376127), .Dim = c(4L, 30L), .Dimnames = list(c("S1",

> "S2", "S3", "S4"), c("P1:P2", "P1:P3", "P1:P4", "P1:P5", "P1:P6",

> "P2:P1", "P2:P3", "P2:P4", "P2:P5", "P2:P6", "P3:P1", "P3:P2",

> "P3:P4", "P3:P5", "P3:P6", "P4:P1", "P4:P2", "P4:P3", "P4:P5",

> "P4:P6", "P5:P1", "P5:P2", "P5:P3", "P5:P4", "P5:P6", "P6:P1",

> "P6:P2", "P6:P3", "P6:P4", "P6:P5")))


> Rui Barradas





> genome1976 wrote

> Hi Rui,

> Thanks once again. I really appreciate it.

> I tried using the code with the following dataset:







>    Sample

>    P1

>    P2

>    P3

>    P4

>    P5

>    P6

>    P7

>    P8

>    P9

>    P10



>    S1

>    5292.9

>    605.1

>    5213.9

>    1710.6

>    1407.8

>    1079.4

>    1379.6

>    9321.4

>    6951

>    1205.8



>    S2

>    104.6

>    57.129

>    625.69

>    222.72

>    247.46

>    104.49

>    330.29

>    1863.7

>    389.67

>    216.29



>    S3

>    191.29

>    19.282

>    860.42

>    147.83

>    19.61

>    189.22

>    203.27

>    1799

>    369.9

>    175.73



>    S4

>    41.553

>    23.457

>    267.09

>    79.293

>    143.09

>    154.5

>    52.567

>    613.54

>    408.86

>    61.715



>    S5

>    671.33

>    19.076

>    1040.9

>    319.04

>    50.766

>    57.445

>    50.005

>    1615.5

>    1149.1

>    163.99



>    S6

>    125.9

>    22.296

>    563.83

>    236.36

>    112.38

>    81.581

>    48.406

>    2073.6

>    388.4

>    62.575



>    S7

>    78.485

>    18.152

>    248.18

>    156.19

>    322.4

>    162.01

>    38.379

>    2786.8

>    630.63

>    71.163



>    S8

>    1355.6

>    51.534

>    422.51

>    134.89

>    202.34

>    48.368

>    69.45

>    231.11

>    1875.9

>    153.18



>    S9

>    2167.6

>    45.244

>    430.73

>    262.19

>    365.71

>    116.49

>    65.663

>    151.04

>    3071.5

>    210.55



>    S10

>    575.7

>    24.699

>    170.09

>    128.64

>    42.58

>    31.034

>    55.256

>    294.67

>    448.05

>    226.19



>    S11

>    234.22

>    22.594

>    944.54

>    118.91

>    16.994

>    102.67

>    199.32

>    2300

>    192.38

>    108.3



>    S12

>    193.38

>    25.374

>    829.88

>    74.872

>    108.1

>    116.49

>    175.49

>    1248

>    340.33

>    65.022



>    S13

>    60.43

>    15.907

>    947.23

>    49.12

>    62.992

>    189.11

>    27.348

>    134.46

>    209.66

>    67.638



>    S14

>    94.563

>    23.304

>    303.25

>    36.745

>    220.11

>    128.72

>    33.242

>    135.6

>    263.31

>    107.4



>    S15

>    44.379

>    17.794

>    768

>    26.144

>    49.329

>    103

>    26.782

>    290.04

>    151.63

>    66.928



>    S16

>    42.333

>    14.671

>    224.49

>    19.642

>    100.96

>    82.624

>    42.736

>    94.781

>    182.99

>    68.087



>    S17

>    528.59

>    49.81

>    685.29

>    24.981

>    106.7

>    72.219

>    114.44

>    610.74

>    1779.9

>    245.57



> When I run the code, this is what I get :


>       probeset1:probeset2 probeset1:probeset3 probeset1:probeset4

> [1,]           0.2000000           0.1111111          0.07692308

> [2,]           0.3333333           0.2000000          0.14285714

> [3,]           0.4285714           0.2727273          0.20000000

> [4,]           0.5000000           0.3333333          0.25000000

>       probeset1:probeset5 probeset1:probeset6 probeset2:probeset1

> [1,]          0.05882353          0.04761905            5.000000

> [2,]          0.11111111          0.09090909            3.000000

> [3,]          0.15789474          0.13043478            2.333333

> [4,]          0.20000000          0.16666667            2.000000

>       probeset2:probeset3 probeset2:probeset4 probeset2:probeset5

> [1,]           0.5555556           0.3846154           0.2941176

> [2,]           0.6000000           0.4285714           0.3333333

> [3,]           0.6363636           0.4666667           0.3684211

> [4,]           0.6666667           0.5000000           0.4000000

>       probeset2:probeset6 probeset3:probeset1 probeset3:probeset2

> [1,]           0.2380952            9.000000            1.800000

> [2,]           0.2727273            5.000000            1.666667

> [3,]           0.3043478            3.666667            1.571429

> [4,]           0.3333333            3.000000            1.500000

>       probeset3:probeset4 probeset3:probeset5 probeset3:probeset6

> [1,]           0.6923077           0.5294118           0.4285714

> [2,]           0.7142857           0.5555556           0.4545455

> [3,]           0.7333333           0.5789474           0.4782609

> [4,]           0.7500000           0.6000000           0.5000000

>       probeset4:probeset1 probeset4:probeset2 probeset4:probeset3

> [1,]                  13            2.600000            1.444444

> [2,]                   7            2.333333            1.400000

> [3,]                   5            2.142857            1.363636

> [4,]                   4            2.000000            1.333333

>       probeset4:probeset5 probeset4:probeset6 probeset5:probeset1

> [1,]           0.7647059           0.6190476           17.000000

> [2,]           0.7777778           0.6363636            9.000000

> [3,]           0.7894737           0.6521739            6.333333

> [4,]           0.8000000           0.6666667            5.000000

>       probeset5:probeset2 probeset5:probeset3 probeset5:probeset4

> [1,]            3.400000            1.888889            1.307692

> [2,]            3.000000            1.800000            1.285714

> [3,]            2.714286            1.727273            1.266667

> [4,]            2.500000            1.666667            1.250000

>       probeset5:probeset6 probeset6:probeset1 probeset6:probeset2

> [1,]           0.8095238           21.000000            4.200000

> [2,]           0.8181818           11.000000            3.666667

> [3,]           0.8260870            7.666667            3.285714

> [4,]           0.8333333            6.000000            3.000000

>       probeset6:probeset3 probeset6:probeset4 probeset6:probeset5

> [1,]            2.333333            1.615385            1.235294

> [2,]            2.200000            1.571429            1.222222

> [3,]            2.090909            1.533333            1.210526

> [4,]            2.000000            1.500000            1.200000



> As you can see P1:P2 is not 0.2000000 as indicated by the results of the code.


> Am I doing something wrong?


> Thanks once again.

> Som.


> Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 14:04:11 -0700

> From: [hidden email]

> To: [hidden email]

> Subject: RE: Calculating all possible ratios




>          Hello,



> I'm glad it helped. Now to make the result readable. (I had thought of it.)



> pairwise.ratios <- function(x, prefix="probeset", char=":"){


>          n <- ncol(x)


>          cn <- colnames(x)


>          if(length(cn) == 0){


>                  cn <- gsub(" ", "0", formatC(, width=nchar(n)))


>                  cn <- paste(prefix, cn, sep="")


>          }


>          cmb <- combn(n, 2)


>          r1 <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[, j[1]]/x[, j[2]])


>          r2 <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[, j[2]]/x[, j[1]])


>          colnames(r1) <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) paste(cn[j], 
> collapse=char))


>          colnames(r2) <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) paste(cn[rev(j)], 
> collapse=char))


>          cbind(r1, r2)[, order(c(colnames(r1), colnames(r2)))]


> }



> m1 <- matrix(1:24, ncol=6)


> pairwise.ratios(m1)



> Rui Barradas



> genome1976 wrote

> Thanks so much Rui. I really appreciate all the help.



> I implemented the code and it ran fine. I was wondering how I could include 
> the probeset ids as probeset1:probeset2 in the final output so that I know 
> which ratios are for which probeset pairs.




> Thanks so much.


> Som.


> Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 09:29:54 -0700


> From: [hidden email]

> To: [hidden email]

> Subject: Re: Calculating all possible ratios





>          Hello,




> If by all possible gene ratios you mean all pairwise column ratios, try



> the following.




> # Make up some data



> x <- matrix(1:24, ncol=6)




> cmb <- combn(ncol(x), 2)



> r1 <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[, j[1]]/x[, j[2]])



> r2 <- apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[, j[2]]/x[, j[1]])



> cbind(r1, r2)




> Note that the dataset must be a numeric only matrix or data.frame.




> Hope this helps,




> Rui Barradas




> Em 12-05-2012 11:00, [hidden email] escreveu:



>> Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 12:39:23 -0700 (PDT)


>> From: genome1976<[hidden email]>


>> To:[hidden email]


>> Subject: [R] Calculating all possible ratios


>> Message-ID:<[hidden email]>


>> Content-Type: text/plain



>> I have a data matrix with  genes as columns and samples as rows. I want to


>> create all possible gene ratios.Is there an elegant and fast way to do it in


>> R and write it to a dataframe?



>> Thanks for any help.


>> Som.



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