
I was trying to draw histograms of age at death  and got the following   2 
error messages:

1)  Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { :

          arguments must have same length

2)  Error in findInterval(mm[, i], gx) : 'vec' contains NAs

In addition: Warning messages:

1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf

2: In max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

 I would appreciate if someone could help me resolve these issues.

Below is reproducible example.


Pradip Muhuri

setwd ("E:/RDATA")
options(width = 120)
library (survey)
library (KernSmooth)
xd1 <-
"dthage ypll_75 xspd2 psu stratum wt8
   56      19     2   2      33 1512.7287
   86       0     2   2     129 1830.6400
   81       0     2   1      67  536.1400
   47      28     2   1      17  519.8350
   71       4     1   1     225  254.4087
   72       3     1   1     238  424.4787
   75       0     2   2     115  407.0987
   83       0     2   2      46  622.5137
   79      -4     2   1     300  509.1212
   78      -3     2   1     133  517.3325
   71       4     2   2     328 1179.3063
   64      11     2   1       2  301.5250
   78      -3     2   1      62  253.9025
   65      10     2   2     260  932.6575
   75       0     2   1     247  145.5900
   63      12     2   2     156  247.0650
   71       4     2   1     146  829.4787
   76      -1     2   2     234  432.5437
   76       0     2   1     109  859.6888
   68       7     2   1     228 1236.2975
   64      11     2   2     167  347.5788
   62      13     2   2     312  354.0500
   77       0     2   2     275  882.1938
   78      -3     2   1      28  481.5975
   81       0     2   1     180 1285.5425
   79       0     2   2     205  576.0000
   70       5     2   1     173  128.3725
   75       0     2   2     189  359.3863
   78       0     2   1     332  512.8062
   74       1     2   2      14  449.0800
   77       0     2   1     242  283.0013
   92       0     2   1     152  915.3200
   69       6     2   2     217  672.7663
   53      22     2   1     290 1430.8812
   81       0     2   2      90  699.1075
   67       8     2   2     316  607.6500
   85       0     2   1     171  312.9850
   93       0     2   2     119  936.1275
   82       0     2   1     118  186.4450
   71       4     2   2     329  729.1213
   43      32     2   1     215  887.6313
   74       1     2   1     180  569.9338
   89       0     2   1     324 1054.0887
   81       0     2   2      47  532.0987
   70       5     2   1      53  450.8750
   75       0     1   1      38  557.9750
   56      19     2   1      17  512.6363
   90       0     2   2      29  569.7888
   70       5     2   1     251  554.2138
   56      19     2   2      14 1114.1762"
tor <- read.table (textConnection(xd1), header=TRUE, sep='', as.is=TRUE)

# Grouping variable (xspd) to be  factor
tor <- within(tor, {
         xspd2 <- factor(xspd2,levels=c (1,2),
                         labels=c('SPD', 'No SPD'), ordered=TRUE)
# object with survey design variables and data
nhis <- svydesign (id=~psu,strat=~stratum, weights=~wt8, data=tor, nest=TRUE)

MyBreaks <- c(18,35,45,55,65,75,85,95)


svyhist (~dthage,
            subset (nhis, xspd2==2), breaks=MyBreaks, main= " ",
            xlab="Age at Death Distribution"
lines (svysmooth(~dthage, bandwidth=5,subset(nhis, xspd2==2)), lwd=2)

dev.off ()

Pradip K. Muhuri
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
The Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
Division of Population Surveys
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1071
Rockville, MD 20857

Tel: 240-276-1070
Fax: 240-276-1260
e-mail: pradip.muh...@samhsa.hhs.gov<mailto:pradip.muh...@samhsa.hhs.gov>

The Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality your feedback.  Please 
click on the following link to complete a brief customer survey:   

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