
Yes, you're right -Poland, Central/Eastern Europe.
My apologies - my fault  - not to state it directly in post.

Than you for your advice, especially concerning viewer (when OS is Win).

Under Windows (checked both on english and polish version of OS) works
fine with font family you proposed, previewed with Sumatra PDF or
TeXworks internal viewer (Adobe Reader does NOT display generated pdf
correctly ).

On my Linux workstation, cairo_pdf(fileName.pdf) works OK without any
additional parameters, both Okular and Document Viewer also works fine
as a viewers.

Thank You very much.
Problem solved.


Magdalena Tkacz

2012/10/7 Prof Brian Ripley <rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk>:
> 'National': not my nation, and none is stated.  Somewhere in Eastern Europe
> ... Poland?
> Short answer: you need to use a family which contains those glyphs (try
> family='NimbusSan': the default 'Helvetica' does not) *and* a viewer that
> uses fonts that do.
> Longer answer: read ?pdf and ?postscript carefully, as they told you this
> and more.
> Your example works correctly with that family for me on Linux, but not with
> OS X viewers.  It does not with the default family.
> For people on Unix I would suggest the cairo_pdf() device as a possibly
> easier alternative since it usually embeds fonts.  On Windows and OS X you
> are at the mercy of what fonts cairo has access to.  That's all in the help,
> too.
> On Sun, 7 Oct 2012, Magdalena A. Tkacz wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I'm trying to make some graphics with nationalized labels (pdf for use
>> in LaTeX document).
>> On console (displayed on screen) using  all looks ok:
>> ----------------------------------------\/
>> data<-rnorm(100)
>> hist(data,main='Rozkład gęstości punktów', xlab='Wartość na osi y',
>> ylab='Częstość występowania')
>> -------------------------------------------/\
>> But using:
>> -------------------------------------------\/
>> data<-rnorm(100)
>> pdf('plik.pdf',encoding="CP1250.enc")
>> hist(data,main='Rozkład gęstości punktów', xlab='Wartość na osi y',
>> ylab='Częstość występowania')
>> dev.off()
>> --------------------------------------------/\
>> It does not look fine ...
> Actually it is just a binary file, and no viewer has been mentioned.
>> Without specifying encoding:
>> -------------------------------------------\/
>> pdf('plik-wo-enc.pdf')
>> hist(data,main='Rozkład gęstości punktów', xlab='Wartość na osi y',
>> ylab='Częstość występowania')
>> dev.off()
>> ---------------------------------------------/\
>> Almost does not have national characters. (Almost, because "ó" letter
>> appears)
>> Exemplary pdf file are here:
>> https://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/shareID10318887/fileID1167942261/plik.pdf
>> https://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/shareID10318887/fileID1167945977/plik-wo-enc.pdf
>> I have read "Non-Standard Fonts in PostScript and PDF Graphics" by
>> Paul Murrell and Brian Ripley in Rnews.
>> I have also tried option with
>> -------------------\/
>> Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale="pl_PL.utf8")
>> -------------------/\
>> but even in admin (run R as admin) in Win7 I received warning:
>> -------------------\/
>> "In Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE", locale = "pl_PL.utf8") :
>> Żądania raportów OS aby ustawić lokalizację na "pl_PL.utf8" nie mogą
>> zostać wykonane"
>> -------------------/\
>> (translated in short : OS report request to set locale to "pl_PL.utf8"
>> can not be done)
>> Does anyone knows how to obtain pdf documents with acceptable quality?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Regards
>> --
>> /|/| _ _ _/_ /_   _  /  / _ __
>> /   |(/(/(/(/((-/)(/ (  /((/( /_
>>     _/
>> Magdalena Tkacz
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> --
> Brian D. Ripley,                  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
> Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
> University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
> 1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
> Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

/|/| _ _ _/_ /_   _  /  / _ __
/   |(/(/(/(/((-/)(/ (  /((/( /_
Magdalena Tkacz

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