Charles C. Berry wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Apr 2008, Gad Abraham wrote:
>> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>>> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008, Gad Abraham wrote:
>>>> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>>>>>  On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Gad Abraham wrote:
>>>>>>  Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>>>>>>  Gad Abraham wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>  Design isn't strictly an R base package, but maybe
>>>>> someone can > > >  explain
>>>>>>>>  the following.
>>>>>>>>>>>  When lrm is called within a function, it can't find the
>>>>> dataset dd:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  library(Design)
>>>>>>>>>  age <- rnorm(30, 50, 10)
>>>>>>>>>  cholesterol <- rnorm(30, 200, 25)
>>>>>>>>>  ch <- cut2(cholesterol, g=5, levels.mean=TRUE)
>>>>>>>>>  fit <- function(ch, age)
>>>>>>>>  + {
>>>>>>>>  +    d <- data.frame(ch, age)
>>>>>>>>  +    dd <- datadist(d)
>>>>>>>>  +    options(datadist="dd")
>>>>>>>>  +    lrm(ch ~ age, data=d, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
>>>>>>>>  + }
>>>>>>>>>  fit(ch, age)
>>>>>>>>  Error in Design(eval(m, sys.parent())) :
>>>>>>>>     dataset dd not found for options(datadist=)
>>>>>>>>>>>  It works outside a function:
>>>>>>>>>  d <- data.frame(ch, age)
>>>>>>>>>  dd <- datadist(d)
>>>>>>>>>  options(datadist="dd")
>>>>>>>>>  l <- lrm(ch ~ age, data=d, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>>>>  Gad
>>>>>>>>>  My guess is that you'll need to put dd in the global
>>>>> environment, not > >  in
>>>>>>>  fit's environment.  At any rate it is inefficient to call
>>>>> datadist > >  every
>>>>>>>  time.  Why not call it once for the whole data frame containing
>>>>> all > >  the
>>>>>>>  predictors, at the top of the program?
>>>>>>>  This is just sample code, in practice the datadist will be
>>>>> different for
>>>>>>  each invocation of the function.
>>>>>>>  I think it boils down to this behaviour, which I don't
>>>>> understand ---
>>>>>>  although ls can see x in the parent of f2, eval cannot:
>>>>>  That is because (from ?eval):
>>>>>  "Objects to be evaluated can be of types call or expression or name
>>>>> (when
>>>>>  the name is looked up in the current scope and its binding is
>>>>>  evaluated)..."
>>>>>  And 'x' is of type name (aka 'symbol').
>>>>>  So eval never gets around to looking in 'p', because it never
>>>>> succeeded in
>>>>>  looking up 'x' and evaluating its binding in the current scope.
>>>>>  What you probably want is
>>>>>      b <- evalq( x, envir=p)
>>>> Thanks, that solves the problem with this sample code, but not with
>>>> the Design::lrm function, because there are several more layers of
>>>> evaluation there.
>>>> I can get around that with the ugly hack of setting a global NULL
>>>> datadist and assigning to it with "<<-" within the fit function every
>>>> time, so it's always visible to Design. But it's still an ugly hack :)
>>> Well, the ultimate problem is here
>>> <from Design>
>>>   XDATADIST <- .Options$datadist
>>>     if (length(XDATADIST)) {
>>>         if (!exists(XDATADIST))
>>>             stop(paste("dataset", XDATADIST, "not found for
>>> options(datadist=)"))
>>> ...
>>> exists()  mandates that there be an object in the
>>> search() list. And a further eval( also requires 
>>> this.
>>> Another way to do make your function work is to use this in it:
>>>     on.exit( detach("design.options") )
>>>     attach(list(), name= "design.options" )
>>>     d <- data.frame(ch, age)
>>>        assign('dd', datadist(d), pos='design.options')
>>> Admittedly still a hack, but it keeps your function from messing around
>>> with .GlobalEnv, and unless you are willing to rewrite lrm and Design,
>>> this is what you are stuck with.
>> I've changed the original example to:
>> library(Design)
>> attach(list(), name="design.options")
>> on.exit(detach("design.options"))
>> age <- rnorm(30, 50, 10)
>> cholesterol <- rnorm(30, 200, 25)
>> ch <- cut2(cholesterol, g=5, levels.mean=TRUE)
>> fit <- function(ch, age) [
>>    d <- data.frame(ch, age)
>>    assign('dd', datadist(d), pos='design.options')
>>    options(datadist="dd")
>>    lrm(ch ~ age, data=d, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
>> }
>> fit(ch, age)
>> This works when I paste it into the R console, but not when I source()
>> the script:
>> > library(Design)
>> Loading required package: Hmisc
>> ...
>> > attach(list(), name="design.options")
>> > on.exit(detach("design.options"))
>> > age <- rnorm(30, 50, 10)
>> > cholesterol <- rnorm(30, 200, 25)
>> > ch <- cut2(cholesterol, g=5, levels.mean=TRUE)
>> > fit <- function(ch, age)
>> + {
>> +    d <- data.frame(ch, age)
>> +    assign('dd', datadist(d), pos='design.options')
>> +    options(datadist="dd")
>> +    lrm .... [TRUNCATED]
>> > fit(ch, age)
>> Error in as.environment(pos) :
>>   no item called "design.options" on the search list
>> Or is that asking for too much? ;)
> Well, I did say to use that bit of code IN your function.

That nuance was lost on me. Thanks!

Gad Abraham
Dept. CSSE and NICTA
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010, Victoria, Australia

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