
When creating the data.frame of snps use the option stringsAsFactors = FALSE
I believe your error comes from the fact that you are trying to find colnames in a variable coded as integers (a factor, like str shows).

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas
Em 23-10-2012 19:02, Silvano Cesar da Costa escreveu:

The program below work very well.

(snps = c('rs621782_G', 'rs8087639_G', 'rs8094221_T', 'rs7227515_A',
Selec = todos[ , colnames(todos) %in% snps]

But, I have a data set with 1.000 columns and I need extract 70 to use
(like snps in command above).

This 70 snps are in a file. So I create a file to extract them with

(mod5.sig = with(mod5, data.frame(snps = SNP[pvalor < 5e-8])))
(snps = (mod5.sig))

The structure is:
'data.frame':   76 obs. of  1 variable:
  $ snps: Factor w/ 220 levels "rs10058955_A",..: 89 59 88 73 40 35 97 55
87 204 ...

But it doesn't work. The output is:
Selec = todos[ , colnames(todos) %in% snps]
data frame with 0 columns and 6 rows

What's is wrong?

Thanks a lot,

Silvano Cesar da Costa

Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Centro de Ciências Exatas
Departamento de Estatística

Fone: (43) 3371-4346

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