Not reproducible, not even close. Other than saying 600 is not a magic limit in 
R, not much help can be given.
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

happyji <> wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I connected a data in FileMaker server with odbcConnect.
>When I call the data "CANCERS" using sqlFetch, it looks okay. 
>However, the number of obs was different with the actual number.
>If I read the same data from Microsoft Access, there are 656 obs. in it
>srt() shows me 600 obs.
>Does anyone know why this happened and how to read all obs. from R?
>Thank you in advance.
>> psb<-odbcConnect("PSB",uid="XXX",pwd="XXXXXXX")
>> cancers<-sqlFetch(psb,"CANCERS")
>> str(cancers)
>'data.frame':   600 obs. of  5 variables:
> $ study_id   : int  7 152 11 12 3 14 16 22 23 24 ...
>$ cancer_type: Factor w/ 121 levels " Breast cancer ",..: 15 24 65 NA
>45 16
>73 46 23 66 ...
>$ cancer_age : Factor w/ 70 levels "17","1968","1983",..: NA 14 31 NA
>58 NA
>NA 38 NA 35 ...
> $ cancer_recs: num  656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 ...
>$ cancer_year: Factor w/ 43 levels "1/2003","12/05",..: 34 34 NA 34 NA
>26 NA 34 34 ...
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