I will look into that, thanks.  I am afraid I don't quite understand what is 
going on there with the multiplication, so I will need to read up.  What I 
ended up doing was like so:

For train data, its easy, as I can subset to have the model only work off the 
data I want:

rbfSVM_setosa      <- train(Sepal.Length~., data = trainset,  subset = 
trainset$Species=="setosa", ...)
rbfSVM_versicolor <- train(Sepal.Length~., data = trainset,  subset = 
trainset$Species=="versicolor", ...)

For my test data (testset), I ended up doing like so which appears to work:

index_setosa<- which(testset$Species == "setosa")

svmPred <- as.vector(rep(NA,nrow(testset)))
svmPred[index_setosa] <- predict(rbfSVM_setosa, testset[testset$Species == 
svmPred[is.na(svmPred)] <- predict(rbfSVM_versicolor, testset[testset$Species 
== "versicolor",])

The above works when there are just two classes.  I am going to read on some of 
these other ways suggested and give them a try.



On Dec 10, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Thomas Stewart <tgs.public.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why not use an indicator variable? 
> P1 <- ... # prediction from model 1 (Setosa) for entire dataset
> P2 <- ... # prediction from model 2 for entire dataset
> I <- Species=="setosa" #
> Predictions <- P1 * I + P2 * ( 1 - I )
> On Monday, December 10, 2012, Brian Feeny wrote:
> I have a dataset and I wish to use two different models to predict.  Both 
> models are SVM.  The reason for two different models is based
> on the sex of the observation.  I wish to be able to make predictions and 
> have the results be in the same order as my original dataset.  To
> illustrate I will use iris:
> # Take Iris and create a dataframe of just two Species, setosa and 
> versicolor, shuffle them
> data(iris)
> iris <- iris[(iris$Species=="setosa" | iris$Species=="versicolor"),]
> irisindex <- sample(1:nrow(iris), nrow(iris))
> iris <- iris[irisindex,]
> # Make predictions on setosa using the mySetosaModel model, and on versicolor 
> using the myVersicolorModel:
> predict(mySetosaModel, iris[iris$Species=="setosa",])
> predict(myVersicolorModel, iris[iris$Species=="versicolor",])
> The problem is this will give me a vector of just the setosa results, and 
> then one of just the versicolor results.
> I wish to take the results and have them be in the same order as the original 
> dataset.  So if the original dataset had:
> Species
> setosa
> setosa
> versicolor
> setosa
> versicolor
> setosa
> I wish for my results to have:
> <prediction for setosa>
> <prediction for setosa>
> <prediction for versicolor>
> <prediction for setosa>
> <prediction for versicolor>
> <prediction for setosa>
> But instead, what I am ending up with is two result sets, and no way I can 
> think of to combine them.  I am sure this comes up alot where you have a 
> factor you wish to split your models on, say sex (male vs. female), and you 
> need to present the results back so it matches to the order of the orignal 
> dataset.
> I have tried to think of ways to use an index, to try to keep things in 
> order, but I can't figure it out.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Brian
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