Does Surv in psm handle interval2 data?  The argument list seems to indicate it 
does but I get an error.


# code
left <- c(1, 3, 5, NA)
right <-c(2, 3, NA, 4)
Surv(left, right, type='interval2')
survreg(Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1)

Surv(left, right, type='interval2') # error
psm(Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1) # same error (of course)
psm(survival::Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1) # runs

# output

R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"

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> library('survival')

Loading required package: splines

> left <- c(1, 3, 5, NA)

> right <-c(2, 3, NA, 4)

> Surv(left, right, type='interval2')

[1] [1, 2] 3      5+     4-

> survreg(Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1)


survreg(formula = Surv(left, right, type = "interval2") ~ 1)




Scale= 0.6098782

Loglik(model)= -5.3   Loglik(intercept only)= -5.3

n= 4

> library('rms')

Loading required package: Hmisc

Hmisc library by Frank E Harrell Jr

Type library(help='Hmisc'), ?Overview, or ?Hmisc.Overview')

to see overall documentation.

NOTE:Hmisc no longer redefines [.factor to drop unused levels when

subsetting.  To get the old behavior of Hmisc type dropUnusedLevels().

Attaching package: 'Hmisc'

The following object(s) are masked from 'package:survival':


The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base':

    format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units

Attaching package: 'rms'

The following object(s) are masked from 'package:survival':


> Surv(left, right, type='interval2') # error

Error in Surv(left, right, type = "interval2") :

  argument "event" is missing, with no default

> args(Surv)

function (time, time2, event, type = c("right", "left", "interval",

    "counting", "interval2"), origin = 0)


> psm(Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1) # same error (of course)

Error in Surv(left, right, type = "interval2") :

  argument "event" is missing, with no default

> psm(survival::Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1) # runs

Parametric Survival Model: Weibull Distribution

psm(formula = survival::Surv(left, right, type = "interval2") ~


                Model Likelihood    Discrimination

                   Ratio Test          Indexes

Obs        4    LR chi2     0.00    R2       0.000

Events     6    d.f.           0    g        0.000

sigma 0.6099                        gr       1.000

            Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)

(Intercept)  1.3179 0.3598  3.66  0.0002

Log(scale)  -0.4945 0.5977 -0.83  0.4081

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