
Sorry for the rather long message.

I am trying to use the cfa command in the lavaan package to run a CFA however I 
am unsure over a couple of issues.

I have @25 dichotomous variables, 300 observations and an EFA on a training 
dataset suggests a 3 factor model.

After defining the model I use the command

fit.dat <- cfa(model.1, data=my.dat, std.lv = T, estimator="WLSMV", 
ordered=c("var1","var2" and so on for the other 23 variables))

Is it right that I define the variables as ordered (the output returns 
thresholds suggesting I should). Does the cfa command calculate tetrachoric 
correlations in the background?

However, output for the command returns two variables with  small negative 
variances (-0.002) which I think is due to the correlation matrix not being 
positive definite. Is it reasonable to force these to be zero when defining the 
model or is this more a sign of problems with the model?

As an alternative is it possible to calculate the tetrachoric correlations 
using hetcor (which applies smoothing) and then use the smoothed sample 
correlation as the input to the model, such as

fit.cor <- cfa(model.1, sample.cov=my.hetcor, sample.nobs=300, std.lv = 
T,estimator="ML", ordered=c("var1","var2" and so on for the other 23 

This however does not produce thresholds suggesting what I have tried is 
nonsense but is there a way to do this?

Final question is I have a lot of missing data - listwise deletion leaves 90 
subjects. Is there a way to calculate estimates using pairwise deletion (this 
is another reason why I tried using the correlation matrix as the input).

I have tried the analysis using John Fox's SEM package / command.

I calculate the correlation matrix with smoothing


This returns the warning indicating that the correlation matrix was adjusted to 
make it positive definite. However the following sem model does not run, with 
the error message that the matrix is non-invertible.

mod1<-sem::sem(sem .model.1, S=my.cor, 300)

Should the smoothing not allow it to be inverted?

thanks for help, david


The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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