On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Tito de Morais Luis <
luis.tito-de-mor...@ird.fr> wrote:

> Hi listers,
> I want to make lattice plots xyplots with the indication of legends
> inside each panel with only the points and the lines actually ploted
> inside each given panel according to the group(ing) factor.
> The code below shows what I have achieved so far and I hope will make
> clear what I want to have.
> It seems to me that my solution is a very "dirty hack" and there
> certainly is a much simple and "clean" way to do it.
> Besides, there is no concordance in lty and pch between the legend above
> the graph with those inside the panels.
> No. Look again. It is your panel legends that don't correspond to the
actual plot. The plot symbols and line types for the chosen theme !=
pch[1:10] and lty[1:10]. You can either explicitly set the pch and lty in
the plot and auto.key to be 1:10 and proceed with trellis.focus or insert
draw.key in the panel function to automate the procedure and query the
groups and graphical parameters of each panel :

xyplot(lbt ~ de | type, data=dataf, groups =sta,
 type=c("p","g","r"), layout=c(4,1), par.settings = standard.theme(color =
 auto.key=list(space="top", columns=5, lines=TRUE),
  pug <- levels(groups)[levels(groups)%in%groups[subscripts]]
  draw.key(key=list(text = list(as.character(pug)),
                    lines = list(lty =
                    points = list(pch =
           draw=TRUE , vp=viewport(x=0.25,y=0.9))


> I have searched the archive and the web and found some hints that helped
> me a lot to write the code below. But I am not very familiar with
> lattice trellis graphs and I am sure that I am missing something.
> I would appreciate any suggestion that will help me to improve this.
> Thank you in advance,
> Tito
> require(lattice)
> require(grid)
> # some random data
> lbt <- abs(rnorm(100)) # any biological value
> de <- rep(1:10,10) # the depth
> type <- rep(c("A","C","F","S"), c(20,30,40,10)) # the type of sampling zone
> sta <- as.factor(rep(1:10, c(10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10))) # the
> station number
> dataf <- data.frame(lbt,de,type,sta) # the dataframe
> # key creation
> keyA <- list(border = FALSE, text =
> list(levels(dataf$sta)[1:2]),lines=TRUE,points=TRUE,lty=c(1:2),pch=c(1:2))
> keyC <- list(border = FALSE, text =
> list(levels(dataf$sta)[3:5]),lines=TRUE,points=TRUE,lty=c(3:5),pch=c(3:5))
> keyF <- list(border = FALSE, text =
> list(levels(dataf$sta)[6:9]),lines=TRUE,points=TRUE,lty=c(6:9),pch=c(6:9))
> keyS <- list(border = FALSE, text =
> list(levels(dataf$sta)[10]),lines=TRUE,points=TRUE,lty=c(10),pch=c(10))
> # the plot
> xyplot(lbt ~ de | type, data=dataf, groups =
> sta,type=c("p","g","r"),layout=c(4,1),par.settings =
> standard.theme(color = FALSE), auto.key=list(space="top", columns=5,
> lines=TRUE))
> # add "legends" inside the panels
> trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1) ; draw.key(keyA, draw = TRUE, vp =
> viewport(.25, .9))
> trellis.focus("panel", 2, 1) ; draw.key(keyC, draw = TRUE, vp =
> viewport(.75, .9))
> trellis.focus("panel", 3, 1) ; draw.key(keyF, draw = TRUE, vp =
> viewport(.75, .9))
> trellis.focus("panel", 4, 1) ; draw.key(keyS, draw = TRUE, vp =
> viewport(.75, .9))
> trellis.unfocus()
> --
> Luis Tito de Morais
> Tél. : +33 2 98 49 86 35
> Mob. : +33 6 37 67 21 40
> Courriel-1 : luis.tito-de-mor...@ird.fr
> Courriel-2 : luis.titodemor...@univ-brest.fr
> Pages web :
> Lab. : http://www-iuem.univ-brest.fr/UMR6539/recherche/equipe-5
> Pers. : http://ird.academia.edu/LuisTitodeMorais
> Reshal : http://www.netvibes.com/reshal#Accueil
> Biblio. : http://www.citeulike.org/user/ltitodem
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