See ?commandArgs for a way to access the arguments on the command line.
 With that you can write the FunkyCold.R script to grab the command line
arguments and run the proper function (after loading your package).  If you
give more detail on what you want to accomplish we may be able to give more

Also look at ?Startup for details of what happens when R starts, I have
used this information to create desktop icons for clients (in windows) so
that they double click on the icon and a particular function runs inside of

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Asis Hallab <> wrote:

> Dear R users,
> writing an R package I wonder, if there is a place to put executable R
> scripts into. So that when the package is installed one can use the
> script from the command line.
> Say we have e new package called FunkyR and wanted to deliver with it
> an executable called FunkyCold.R, so that from the command line, one
> could do the following:
> Rscript FunkyCold.R argument_1 argument_2
> Any hints or suggestions?
> Kind regards!
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