
You are missing a '*' in your first try.
(As for the second, in R parenthesis are round, not [])

sqrt(var(Y1) + var(Y2))^2 - 4*(var(Y1)*(var(Y2) - cov(Y1, Y2)^2))

This written as a function becomes

fun <- function(Y1, Y2)
        sqrt(var(Y1) + var(Y2))^2 - 4*(var(Y1)*(var(Y2) - cov(Y1, Y2)^2))

x1 <- rnorm(10)
x2 <- rnorm(10)
fun(x1, x2)

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 17-03-2013 15:47, Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano escreveu:
hello all

I am writing a quite simple script to study dental wear patterns in humans
and I wrote this function

sqrt(var(Y1)+var(Y2))^2-4(var(Y1)*(var(Y2)-cov(Y1,Y2)^2)) but appear this
error message

Error: attempt to apply non-function

alternatively I wrote this

but this error message appear

[1] NA
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion

some suggestion to solve this?? thank you so much for your help


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