Perhaps a crude but reliable way is to check the number of residuals, e.g.,


Brian S. Cade, PhD

U. S. Geological Survey
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C
Fort Collins, CO  80526-8818

email: <>
tel:  970 226-9326

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Marc Schwartz <> wrote:

> On Mar 18, 2013, at 7:36 AM, Federico Calboli <>
> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > is there a simple way that covers all regression models to extract the
> number of samples from a data frame/matrix actually used in a regression
> model?
> >
> > For instance I might have a data of 100 rows and 4 colums (1 response +
> 3 explanatory variables).  If 3 samples have one or more NAs in the
> explanatory variable columns these samples will be dropped in any model:
> >
> > my.model = lm(y ~ x + w + z,
> > my.model = glm(y ~ x + w + z,, family = binomial)
> > my.model = polr(y ~ x + w + z,
> > …
> >
> > I don't seem to be able to find one single method that works in the
> exact same way -- irrespective of the model type -- to interrogate my.model
> to see how many samples of were actually used.  Is there such
> function or do I need to hack something together?
> >
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Federico
> I don't know that this would be universal to all possible R model
> implementations, but should work for those that at least abide by "certain
> standards"[1] relative to the internal use of ?model.frame.
> In the case where model functions use 'model = TRUE' as the default in
> their call (eg. lm(),  glm() and MASS::polr()), the returned model object
> will have a component called 'model', such that:
>   nrow(my.model$model)
> returns the number of rows in the internally created data frame.
> Note that 'model = TRUE' is not the default for many functions, for
> example Terry's coxph() in survival or Frank's lrm() in rms.
> Note also that the value of 'na.action' in the modeling function call may
> have a potential effect on whether the number of rows in the retained
> 'model' data frame is really the correct value.
> You can also use model.frame(), independently matching arguments passed to
> the model function, to replicate what takes place internally in many
> modeling functions. The result of model.frame() will be a data frame,
> again, subject to similar limitations as above.
> Regards,
> Marc Schwartz
> [1]:
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