It would help if you told us what type of error you are getting and to also
provide sample data so that we could run it to see what happens.  I use
'try' a lot to catch errors and have not had any problems with it.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 6:11 AM, lisa <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have tried every fix on my try or tryCatch that I have found on the
> internet, but so far have not been able to get my R code to continue with
> the "for loop" after the lmer model results in an error.
> Here is two attemps of my code, the input is a 3D array file, but really
> any function would do....
> metatrialstry<-function(mydata){
> a<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(mydata)[3], ncol=5)
> #colnames(a)=c("sens", "spec", "corr", "sens_se", "spec_se",
> "counter")#colnames(a)=c("sens", "spec", "corr", "sens_se", "spec_se")
> k=1
> for(ii in 1:dim(mydata)[3]){
>     tmp<-mydata[,,ii]
>     tmp1<
>     names(tmp1)=c("persons", "d1", "tp", "fn", "fp", "fn", "detect", "d0",
> "outcome")
>     lm1<-try(lmer(outcome~0+d1+d0+(0+d1+d0 | persons), family=binomial,
> data=tmp1, nAGQ=3), silent=T)
>     if(class(lm1)[1]!='try-error'){
>         a[ii,1]=lm1@fixef[1]
>         a[ii,2]=lm1@fixef[2]
>         a[ii,3]=vcov(lm1)[1,2]/prod(sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1))))
>         a[ii,4:5]=sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1)))
>         }
>     }
>     #k=k+1
>     #a[ii,6]=k
>     return(a)
> }
> #########################################
> ######### try / try catch ###############
> #########################################
> metatrialstry<-function(mydata){
> a<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(mydata)[3], ncol=5)
> #colnames(a)=c("sens", "spec", "corr", "sens_se", "spec_se", "counter")
> colnames(a)=c("sens", "spec", "corr", "sens_se", "spec_se")
> #a[,6]=rep(0, length(a[,6]))
> for(ii in 1:dim(mydata)[3]){
>     tmp<-mydata[,,ii]
>     tmp1<
>     names(tmp1)=c("persons", "d1", "tp", "fn", "fp", "fn", "detect", "d0",
> "outcome")
>     lm1<-tryCatch(lmer(outcome~0+d1+d0+(0+d1+d0 | persons),
> family=binomial, data=tmp1, nAGQ=3), error=function(e) e)
>     a[ii,1]=lm1@fixef[1]
>     a[ii,2]=lm1@fixef[2]
>     a[ii,3]=vcov(lm1)[1,2]/prod(sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1))))
>     a[ii,4:5]=sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1)))
>     }
>     return(a)
> }
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated...
> thanks!
> Lisa
> --
> Lisa Wang
> email:
> cell: +49 -0176-87786557
> Tübingen, Germany, 72070
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Data Munger Guru

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