The inequalities can be vectorized and rle() can then by apply()ed on the

(d is your data frame. "data' is a really bad name)

out <- d[,3:6] < d[,1] & d[,3:6]>d[,2]
a <- apply(as.matrix(out),1, rle)

a will be a list each component of which will have the consecutive runs
information you need. for a row. You can then easily process this via
lapply to get what you want. I leave the details to you. ?rle tells you
what you need t know.

-- Bert

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Rui Barradas <> wrote:

> Hello,
> The following should be faster. It preallocates a vector of length nrows
> instead of extending 'a' on every iteration.
> a2 <- character(nrows)
> for(b in 1:nrows)
> {
>         c= ColChange(data[b,1],data[b,2],**data[b,3:6],2)
>         a2[b]=c
> }
> all.equal(c(a), a2)
> As for the use of apply, I'm getting errors but the way to call it would
> be, after changing ColChange in order to correct some of the errors,
> (changed: ncol to NCOL and colnames to names)
> ColChange2 <- function(LowLim, HighLim, Vals, NumConsecOut) {
>   cols <- NCOL(Vals)
>   yr_init = 0
>   k = 0
>   for (i in 1:cols){
>     val = Vals[i]
>     if ({
>       Result="NA"
>       next
>     } else {
>     if (val<LowLim||val>HighLim){
>       if (yr_init==0) {
>         yr_init = names(Vals)[i]
>         k = k + 1
>       } else {
>         k = k + 1
>       }
>       if (k==NumConsecOut){
>         Result=yr_init
>         break
>       }
>     } else {
>       yr_init=0
>       k=0
>     }
>      if (yr_init==0){
>       Result = names(Vals)[cols]
>     }
>   }
>   }
>   return(Result)
> }
> ##############################**###################
> apply(data, 1, function(x) ColChange2(x[1], x[2], x[3:6], 2) )
> Error in ColChange2(x[1], x[2], x[3:6], 2) : object 'Result' not found
> So there's some debugging to be done.
> Anyway, the revised loop should be much faster.
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Em 23-03-2013 11:08, Camilo Mora escreveu:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I wonder if I can get your help using a custom function in apply.
>> Imagine the following dataframe called "data":
>> LowLim        HighLim            A1    A2    A3    A4
>> 4        6        3    4    5    6
>> 4        6        4    5    5    6
>> 2        3        1    4    2    3
>> 2        3        NA    NA    NA    NA
>> We have created a custom function (see below) that takes the values in a
>> given row between columns A1 to A4 to see if they are outside the limits
>> in the same row set by columns LowLim and HighLim, if at least x
>> consecutive values are outside, the function returns the column name of
>> the first column in that series. If no value is outside, the function
>> returns the name of the last column and if there are NAs, the function
>> returns NA.
>> So in the example above, the function return the following results:
>> Considering 2 consecutive values outside the limits:
>> A4
>> A4
>> A1
>> NA
>> Considering 1 value outside the limits:
>> A1
>> A4
>> A1
>> NA
>> The problem we have is that our dataframe has over 1.2 million rows. So
>> right now we are using a loop (see below), which work fine by entering
>> the values of each row in our function but it will take several days to
>> complete. The idea is to see if we can use our function with apply.
>> Basically,
>> data$Results<-apply(data,1, ColChange, LowLim=data[1], HighLim=data[2],
>> Vals=data[3:6], NumConsecOut=2)
>> But we get the following error: ”Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : unused
>> argument(s) (newX[, i])”
>> Any idea about this error or an alternative way to obtain the results we
>> look for.
>> Thank you very much,
>> Camilo
>> ################# Our function is: #######################
>> ColChange <- function(LowLim, HighLim, Vals, NumConsecOut) {
>>    cols <- ncol(Vals)
>>    yr_init = 0
>>    k = 0
>>    for (i in 1:cols){
>>      val = Vals[i]
>>      if ({
>>        Result="NA"
>>        next
>>      } else {
>>      if (val<LowLim||val>HighLim){
>>        if (yr_init==0) {
>>          yr_init = colnames(Vals)[i]
>>          k = k + 1
>>        } else {
>>          k = k + 1
>>        }
>>        if (k==NumConsecOut){
>>          Result=yr_init
>>          break
>>        }
>>      } else {
>>        yr_init=0
>>        k=0
>>      }
>>       if (yr_init==0){
>>        Result=colnames(Vals)[cols]
>>      }
>>    }
>>    }
>>    return(Result)
>> }
>> ##############################**###################
>> #######Our loop is:###########################**####
>> nrows=nrow(data)
>> a=c()
>> for(b in 1:nrows)
>> {
>> c= ColChange(data[b,1],data[b,2],**data[b,3:6],2)
>> a=rbind(a,c)
>> }
>> ##############################**###################
>> Camilo Mora, Ph.D.
>> Department of Geography, University of Hawaii
>> Currently available in Colombia
>> Phone:   Country code: 57
>>           Provider code: 313
>>           Phone 776 2282
>>           From the USA or Canada you have to dial 011 57 313 776 2282
>>**mora/ <>
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

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