It would be helpful to see what your data frames look like ... perhaps you
could share the first few rows of each with us.




On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:29 PM, Curtis Burkhalter <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm working on a problem using nested for-loops and I don't know if it's a
> problem with the order of the loops or something within the loop so any
> help with the problem would be appreciated.  To briefly set up the problem.
>  I have 259 trees (from 11 different species, of unequal count for each
> species) of which I am trying to predict biomass.  For each tree species I
> have 10000 iterations for the regression coefficients, which were estimated
> previously in WinBUGS, and what I'm trying to do is for each tree I want to
> predict the biomass using each species-specific iteration of the regression
> coefficients, so that ultimately each tree has 10000 estimates of biomass,
> organized into a 10000x259 matrix.  The input data used in the model
> equation is stored in two separate files and I don't think this is creating
> problems, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. I've pasted the code
> below and if any additional info is needed please write back and I will
> post it.
> #read in the model output data from Jenkins eq. 1 under "data"
> #read in the prediction data set under "predict data"
> j1data=read.delim("reduced_j1_forR.txt",header=T)
> predictdata=read.delim("predictset_forR.txt",header=T)
> j1data=j1data[,2:4]
> its=c(rep(1:10000,each=11))
> j1data=cbind(its,j1data)
> #set up a matrix full of zeros "lnbm" where prediction results are placed
> #set up for loop that first loops over iteration, then species
> #(total iterations=10000it/spp*11spp=110000 iterations)and then over each
> tree
> #(total # of trees=259)
> niter=10000
> nspp=11
> ntrees=259
> lnbm=matrix(0,10000,259)
> k=numeric()
> for (i in 1:ntrees)
> {
> for (j in 1:nspp)
> {
>      for (m in 1:niter)
> {
> k=((j1data$its[m]-1)*1000)+(j1data$spp[j])
> #print(k)
> lnbm[m,i]=j1data$b0[k]+j1data$b1[k]*predictdata$lndbh[i]
>                   }
>        }
> }
> Thanks
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