Dear Remi,

Take a look at the Anova() function in the car package. In your case, you could 

Anova(lm(as.matrix(Y) ~  x + z))

or, for more detail,

summary(Anova(lm(as.matrix(Y) ~  x + z)))

I hope this helps,

John Fox
Sen. William McMaster Prof. of Social Statistics
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 07:47:27 -0700 (PDT)
 Rémi Lesmerises <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to compare two sets of variables, the first set is composed 
> exclusively of numerical variables and the second regroups factors and 
> numerical variables. I can't use a Manova because of this inclusion of 
> numerical variables in the second set. The solution should be to perform a 
> Mancova, but I didn't find any package that allow this type of test.
> I've already looked in this forum and on the net to find answers, but the 
> only thing I've found is the following:
> lm(as.matrix(Y) ~  x+z)
> x and z could be numerical and factors. The problem with that is it actually 
> only perform a succession of lm (or glm), one for each numerical variable 
> contained in the Y matrix. It is not a true MANCOVA that do a significance 
> test (most often a Wald test) for the overall two sets comparison. Such a 
> test is available in SPSS and SAS, but I really want to stay in R! Someone 
> have any idea?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Rémi Lesmerises, biol. M.Sc.,
> Candidat Ph.D. en Biologie
> Université du Québec à Rimouski
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