
Can all the analysis you mentioned via loglm be performed via 

Many thanks.

At 2013-04-24 19:37:10,"Achim Zeileis" <achim.zeil...@uibk.ac.at> wrote:
>On Wed, 24 Apr 2013, meng wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> For stratified count data,how to perform regression analysis?
>> My data:
>> age case oc count
>> 1       1     1    21
>> 1       1     2    26
>> 1       2     1    17
>> 1       2     2    59
>> 2       1     1    18
>> 2       1     2    88
>> 2       2     1     7
>> 2       2     2   95
>> age:
>> 1:<40y
>> 2:>40y
>> case:
>> 1:patient
>> 2:health
>> oc:
>> 1:use drug
>> 2:not use drug
>> My purpose:
>> Anaysis whether case and oc are correlated, and age is a stratified variable.
>> My solution:
>> 1,Mantel-Haenszel test by using function "mantelhaen.test"
>> 2,loglinear regression by using function 
>> glm(count~case*oc,family=poisson).But I don't know how to handle variable 
>> "age",which is the stratified variable.
>Instead of using glm(family = poisson) it is also convenient to use 
>loglm() from package MASS for the associated convenience table.
>The code below shows how to set up the contingency table, visualize it 
>using package vcd, and then fit two models using loglm. The models 
>considered are conditional independence of case and drug given age and the 
>"no three-way interaction" already suggested by Peter. Both models are 
>also accompanied by visualizations of the residuals.
>## contingency table with nice labels
>tab <- expand.grid(drug = 1:2, case = 1:2, age = 1:2)
>tab$count <- c(21, 26, 17, 59, 18, 88, 7, 95)
>tab$age <- factor(tab$age, levels = 1:2, labels = c("<40", ">40"))
>tab$case <- factor(tab$case, levels = 1:2, labels = c("patient", 
>tab$drug <- factor(tab$drug, levels = 1:2, labels = c("yes", "no"))
>tab <- xtabs(count ~ age + drug + case, data = tab)
>## visualize case explained by drug given age
>mosaic(case ~ drug | age, data = tab,
>   split_vertical = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
>## test wheter drug and case are independent given age
>m1 <- loglm(~ age/(drug + case), data = tab)
>## visualize corresponding residuals from independence model
>mosaic(case ~ drug | age, data = tab,
>   split_vertical = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
>   residuals_type = "deviance",
>   gp = shading_hcl, gp_args = list(interpolate = 1.2))
>mosaic(case ~ drug | age, data = tab,
>   split_vertical = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
>   residuals_type = "pearson",
>   gp = shading_hcl, gp_args = list(interpolate = 1.2))
>## test whether there is no three-way interaction
>## (i.e., dependence of case on drug is the same for both age groups)
>m2 <- loglm(~ (age + drug + case)^2, data = tab)
>## visualization (with default pearson residuals)
>mosaic(case ~ drug | age, data = tab,
>   expected = ~ (age + drug + case)^2,
>   split_vertical = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
>   gp = shading_hcl, gp_args = list(interpolate = 1.2))
>> Many thanks for your help.
>> My best.
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