It looks as though you can't sample zero observations from a stratum.  If
you take the example on the help page and change one of the sample sizes to
zero you get exactly the same error.

>From the fact that there isn't a more explicit error message, I would guess
that the author just never considered the possibility that someone would
have a population stratum and not sample from it.


On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Jeff Newmiller <>wrote:

> a) Please post plain text
> b) Please make reproducible examples (e.g. telling us how you accessed a
> database that we have no access to is not helpful). See ?head, ?dput and [1]
> c) I don't know anything about the sampling package or the strata
> function, but I would recommend eliminating the rows that have zeros from
> the input data. E.g.:
> stratum_cp <- stratum_cp[ 0<stratum_cp$stratp, ]
> [1]**questions/5963269/how-to-make-**
> a-great-r-reproducible-example<>
> On Fri, 26 Apr 2013, Lopez, Dan wrote:
>  Hello R Experts,
>> I kindly request your assistance on figuring out how to get a stratified
>> random sampling proportional to 100.
>> Below is my r code showing what I did and the error I'm getting with
>> sampling::strata
>> # FIRST I summarized count of records by the two variables I want to use
>> as strata
>> Library(RODBC)
>> library(sqldf)
>> library(sampling)
>> #After establishing connection I query the data and sort it by strata
>> APPT_TYP_CD_LL and EMPL_TYPE and store it in a dataframe
>> #ROWID is a dummy ID I added and repositioned after the strat columns for
>> later use
>> CURRPOP$ROWID<-seq(nrow(**CURRPOP))
>> CURRPOP<-CURRPOP[,c(1:2,11,3:**10)]
>> # My strata.  Stratp is how many I want to sampled from each strata. NOTE
>> THERE ARE SOME 0's which just means I won't sample from that group.
>> stratum_cp<-sqldf("SELECT APPT_TYP_CD_LL,EMPL_TYPE, count(*) HC FROM
>> stratum_cp$stratp<-round(**stratum_cp$HC/nrow(CURRPOP)***100)
>>  stratum_cp
>> 1              FA         S    1      0
>> 2              FC         S    5      0
>> 3              FP         S  173      3
>> 4              FR         H  170      3
>> 5              FX         H   49      1
>> 6              FX         S   57      1
>> 7              IN         H 1589     25
>> 8              IN         S 3987     63
>> 9              IP         H    7      0
>> 10             IP         S   53      1
>> 11             SA         H    8      0
>> 12             SE         S   43      1
>> 13             SF         H   14      0
>> 14             SF         S    1      0
>> 15             SG         S   10      0
>> 16             ST         H  107      2
>> 17             ST         S    6      0
>> #THEN I attempted to use sampling::strata using the instructions in that
>> package and got an error
>> #I use stratum_cp$stratp for my sizes.
>>  s<-strata(CURRPOP,c("APPT_TYP_**CD_LL","EMPL_TYPE"),size=**
>>> stratum_cp$stratp,method="**srswor")
>> Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) :
>>  arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
>>  traceback()
>> 5: stop("arguments imply differing number of rows: ", paste(unique(nrows),
>>       collapse = ", "))
>> 4: data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE)
>> 3: cbind(deparse.level, ...)
>> 2: cbind(r, i)
>> 1: strata(CURRPOP, c("APPT_TYP_CD_LL", "EMPL_TYPE"), size =
>> stratum_cp$stratp,
>>       method = "srswor")
>> #In lieu of a reproducible sample here is some info regarding most of my
>> data
>> dim(CURRPOP)
>> [1] 6280   11
>> #Cols w/ personal info have been removed in this output
>>  str(CURRPOP[,c(1:3,7:11)])
>> 'data.frame':  6280 obs. of  8 variables:
>> $ APPT_TYP_CD_LL: Factor w/ 12 levels "FA","FC","FP",..: 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
>> 3 3 ...
>> $ EMPL_TYPE     : Factor w/ 2 levels "H","S": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
>> $ ROWID         : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>> $ DEPTID        : int  9825 9613 9613 9852 9772 9852 9853 9853 9853 9854
>> ...
>> $ JOBCODE       : Factor w/ 325 levels "055.2","055.3",..: 311 112 112
>> 112 112 112 298 299 299 300 ...
>> $ JOBTITLE      : Factor w/ 325 levels "Accounting Assistant",..: 227 192
>> 192 192 192 192 190 191 191 153 ...
>> $ SAL_ADMIN_PLAN: Factor w/ 40 levels "ADE","AME","ASE",..: 36 38 38 38
>> 38 38 31 31 31 31 ...
>> $ RET_TYP_CD_LL : Factor w/ 2 levels "TCP1","TCP2": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
>> ...
>> Daniel Lopez
>> Workforce Analyst
>> HRIM - Workforce Analytics & Metrics
>> Strategic Human Resources Management
>> wf-analytics-metrics@lists.**<>
>> <mailto:wf-analytics-**<>
>> >
>> (925) 422-0814
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University of Auckland

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