Thanks Bastien,
I completely forgot that I asked this question.
I learned a lot since then ... actually, now I know how to do it, but it
was not the case in 2009 :-)


2013/5/22 <>

> Hello Arnaud,
> You posted this question a long long time ago, however I found your answer
> so I decided to post it anyway in case somebody else have the same problem
> as you and me.
> You were actually very close in finding your solution.  The function
> DoWritedbf is an internal function from the foreign package.  To access it
> outside of the package just do:
> foreign:::DoWritedbf
> so in your line:
> invisible(.Call(foreign:::DoWritedbf, as.character(file), dataframe,
>   as.integer(precision), as.integer(scale), as.character(DataTypes)))
> It is explain here:
> Sorry for the delay in my answer...
> Bastien Ferland-Raymond, M.Sc. Stat., M.Sc. Biol.
> Division des orientations et projets spéciaux
> Direction des inventaires forestiers
> Ministère des Ressources naturelles
> In reply to :
> #####
> Dear UseRs,
> I did not have any answer to my previous message ("Is there a way to
> define "manually" columns width when using write.dbf function from the
> library foreign ?"), so I tried to modify write.dbf function to do what I
> want.
> Here is my modified version :
> write.dbfMODIF <- function (dataframe, file, factor2char = TRUE, max_nchar
> = 254, width = d)
> {
>     allowed_classes <- c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "character",
>         "factor", "Date")
>     if (!
>         dataframe <-     if
> (any(sapply(dataframe, function(x) !is.null(dim(x)))))
>         stop("cannot handle matrix/array columns")     cl <-
> sapply(dataframe, function(x) class(x[1L]))     asis <- cl == "AsIs"
>     cl[asis & sapply(dataframe, mode) == "character"] <- "character"
> if (length(cl0 <- setdiff(cl, allowed_classes)))
>         stop("data frame contains columns of unsupported class(es) ",
>             paste(cl0, collapse = ","))
>     m <- ncol(dataframe)
>     DataTypes <- c(logical = "L", integer = "N", numeric = "F",
>         character = "C", factor = if (factor2char) "C" else "N",
>         Date = "D")[cl]
>     for (i in seq_len(m)) {
>         x <- dataframe[[i]]
>         if (is.factor(x))
>             dataframe[[i]] <- if (factor2char)
>                 as.character(x)
>             else as.integer(x)
>         else if (inherits(x, "Date"))
>             dataframe[[i]] <- format(x, "%Y%m%d")
>     }
>     precision <- integer(m)
>     scale <- integer(m)
>     dfnames <- names(dataframe)
>     for (i in seq_len(m)) {
>         nlen <- nchar(dfnames[i], "b")
>         x <- dataframe[, i]
>         if (is.logical(x)) {
>             precision[i] <- 1L
>             scale[i] <- 0L
>         }
>         else if (is.integer(x)) {
>             rx <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
>             rx[!is.finite(rx)] <- 0
>             if (any(rx == 0))
>                 rx <- rx + 1
>             mrx <- as.integer(max(ceiling(log10(abs(rx)))) +
>                 3L)
>             precision[i] <- min(max(nlen, mrx), 19L)
>             scale[i] <- 0L
>         }
>         else if (is.double(x)) {
>             precision[i] <- 19L
>             rx <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
>             rx[!is.finite(rx)] <- 0
>             mrx <- max(ceiling(log10(abs(rx))))
>             scale[i] <- min(precision[i] - ifelse(mrx > 0L, mrx +
>                 3L, 3L), 15L)
>         }
>         else if (is.character(x)) {
>         if (width == "d") {
>                    mf <- max(nchar(x[!], "b"))
>                 p <- max(nlen, mf)
>                 if (p > max_nchar)
>                     warning(gettext("character column %d will be truncated
> to %d bytes",
>                       i, max_nchar), domain = NA)
>                 precision[i] <- min(p, max_nchar)
>                 scale[i] <- 0L
>         } else {
>             if (width > max_nchar)
>                     warning(gettext("character column %d will be truncated
> to %d bytes",
>                       i, max_nchar), domain = NA)
>                 precision[i] <- min(width, max_nchar)
>         }
>         }
>         else stop("unknown column type in data frame")
>     }
>     if (any(
>         stop("NA in precision")
>     if (any(
>         stop("NA in scale")
>     invisible(.Call(DoWritedbf, as.character(file), dataframe,
>         as.integer(precision), as.integer(scale),
> as.character(DataTypes))) }
> However, when I wanted to use this function ... it does not find the
> DoWritedbf function that is called in the last lines (a function written in
> C).
> Is there a way to temporally replace the original write.dbf function by
> this one in the foreign package ?
> Thanks,
> Arnaud
> R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> ######

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