This really is the wrong list: have you looked at the posting guide? The non-Rcpp aspects belong on R-devel.

But in short, you cannot control whether the R installation supports OpenMP. 'Writing R Extensions' tells you how to set up Makevars, so the example has already been documented for you. CRAN packages using OpenMP include CORElearn FastPCS LDExplorer OpenMPController RcppProgress SpatialExtremes TPmsm TimeMachine abn aws blockcluster brnn cghseg dti fanc mRMRe mmcm mritc phangorn robustHD sabreR smc sparseLTSEigen textir, so there are plenty of examples about.

Remember that one of the three compilers commonly used with R has no OpenMP support, and that it is present but does not work in the compiler currently used on OS X.

On 24/05/2013 10:10, Asis Hallab wrote:
Dear R experts,

recently I started developing a Rcpp package "OpenMPTest".
Within that package I want to use OpenMP, as in the following code example:

// header file
#include <omp.h>
using namespace Rcpp ;
RcppExport SEXP testOpenMP( SEXP nThreads ) ;

// cpp file
SEXP testOpenMP( SEXP nThreads ) {

   NumericVector numberThreads = NumericVector( nThreads );
   omp_set_num_threads( numberThreads(0) );
   #pragma omp parallel
     // Code inside this region runs in parallel.


As I am an absolute newbie with writing C++ extensions and have not
much understanding of the Makevars file, I am unsure what to write
into it. Currently I have:

## Use the R_HOME indirection to support installations of multiple R version
PKG_LIBS = `$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"`
## -- compiling for OpenMP
## -- linking for OpenMP
PKG_LIBS= -fopenmp -lgomp

Obviously compilation fails with error:

Symbol not found: __ZTIN4Rcpp19index_out_of_boundsE

With standard setup of the above Makevars I get the
Symbol not found: omp_set_num_threads

Inline also does not work:

fb <- 'omp_set_num_threads(10);
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ { Rf_PrintValue(wrap("HALLO JUPP")); }
+ '
funk <-  cxxfunction( signature(), body=fb, plugin='Rcpp' )

error: ‘omp_set_num_threads’ was not declared in this scope

How do set the PKG_LIBS -and eventually other variables- to all
required values in a single statement?
Could anyone provide me with a working Makevars example, please?

Help will be much appreciated!
Kind regards and have a nice weekend!

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