Patrick Likongwe <patricklikongwe <at>> writes:

> Dear Team,
> Help me out here. I have managed to run a Geographically Weighted
> Regression in R with all results coming up. The problem now comes in
> mapping the parameter estimates and the t values that are significant in
> the model. My data is like this:

The data appear to have point support, so the output of gwr() will include a
SpatialPointsDataFrame - if you look at summary(gwr.model0$SDF), you will
see that it is a SpatialPointsDataFrame. Consequently, a plot() of the
points will show coloured points. Nothing in the your work suggests that the
GWR results are being calculated for polygons.

Please only use GWR for exploration, never look at any inferential output -
look for spatial patterning in the mapped coefficients that corresponds with
identifiable missing covariates. Then include these, and use non-GWR methods.

Please also use the R-sig-geo list, not this general list.

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Do not post HTML!


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