On May 31, 2013, at 6:01 AM, Ulf Sandvik wrote:

> Hi,
> I have fitted a shared frailty model using coxph in the survival
> package with 'center' as random effect. Now I'm trying to obtain the
> conditional survival curve for a new test case that comes from one of
> the specified centers in the model.
> The data set on which the model is fitted contains 1000 individuals
> coming from 10 different centers, with 100 individuals in each center.
> The fitted model has the following form:
> model.frail = coxph(Surv(time,status) ~ x1 + frailty(center), data = d)

As I read the cited note below, this should have been:

 model.frail = coxph(Surv(time,status) ~ x1 + frailty(center, sparse=200), data 
= d)

(Where 200 is arbitrary but larger than the 10 unique values. It's described in 
?frailty. Looking at the code I think it gets passed to 'frailty.gamma' in the 
default case.)

(There is a note on the ?frailty page: "The coxme package has superseded this 
method. It is faster, more stable, and more flexible.")

> My new test case belongs to center no. 5 and has x1-value equal to 0.
> My attempt to obtain the conditional survival function:
> sfit = survfit(model.frail, newdata=data.frame(x1 = 0, center = 5))
> This generates the error:
> Error in survfit.coxph(model.frail, newdata = data.frame(x1 = 0,  :
>  Newdata cannot be used when a model has sparse frailty terms
> Am I specifying the newdata argument in the wrong way? If so, how
> should it be specified?
> I found an earlier note on the issue of frailty and survival curves by
> Terry indicating that it is indeed possible to obtain the conditional
> survival curve:
> With respect to Cox models + frailty, and post-fit survival curves.
> 1. There are two possible survival curves, the conditional curve
> where we identify which center a subject comes from, and the marginal
> curve where we have integrated out center and give survival for an
> "unspecified" individual.  I find the first more useful.  More
> importantly to your case, the survival package currently has no code
> to calculate the second of these.
> 2. When the number of centers is large the coxph code may have used a
> sparse approximation to the variance matrix, for speed reasons.  In
> this particular case one cannot use the "newdata" argument.  The
> reason is entirely practical --- the code turned out to be very hard
> to write. The need for this comes up very rarely, and the work around
> is to use
>   coxph(....... + frailty(center, sparse=1000, ....)
> where we set the "sparse computation" threshold to be some number
> larger than the number of centers, i.e., force non-sparse computation.
> Terry Therneau
> Thanks in advance.
> /Ulf
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