Hi all,

I am revisiting using reshape2 to aggregate critter (bats) occurrences 
by time blocks and have the final output for each row sum a percentage 
such that the row sums total 1 (100%).

Reshape2 library is loaded on start.

The old code I had stored in NotePad++ seems to no longer work as I have 
the following error:

 > input.cast <- cast(input.melt, Species ~ Date, fun.aggregate = sum)
*Error: could not find function "cast"*

The code saved in NotePad++ is:

input.melt <- melt(input)
input.cast <- cast(input.melt, Species ~ Date, fun.aggregate = sum)
input.percent <- input.cast[, -1] / rowSums(input.cast[, -1]) * 100
rownames(input.percent) <- input.cast[,1]

The data is read in OK:
 >Escameca_temporal <- read.table("C:/=Bat data 
#then renamed : >input <-Escameca_temporal
The variable view shows Species (6 letter text code) as Factor;Location 
code as integer; Date as Factor; Time as Factor.

Data looks like this (sub sample only)

Species         Location        Date    Time
Cynmex  4937    5/3/2012        23:42
Cynmex  4937    5/3/2012        23:43
Cynmex  4937    5/3/2012        23:43
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:10
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:12
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:15
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:16
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:21
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:27
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:27
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:36
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:37
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:38
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:42
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:57
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:58
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        0:59
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        1:01
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        1:03
Eptfur  4937    5/2/2012        1:08
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:02
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:03
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:03
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:04
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:04
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:08
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:09
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:09
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:10
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:10
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:10
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:10
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:11
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:11
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:11
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:11
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:11
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:12
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:12
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:12
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:12
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:12
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:13
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:13
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:13
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:14
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:14
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:14
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:14
Eptfur  4937    5/4/2012        2:14
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:15
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:15
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:15
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:16
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:16
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:16
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:16
Eptfur  4924    1/8/2012        2:17

Any suggestions-help appreciated.


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