
From the help page for ?adf.test: "The p-values are interpolated from Table 4.2, p. 103 of Banerjee et al. (1993)."

I believe it's a problem with your data. Putting a print statement in the code for adf.test() gave me the following:

lm(formula = yt ~ xt1 + 1 + tt + yt1)

ALL 3 residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  -24.319         NA      NA       NA
xt1           -3.115         NA      NA       NA
tt            18.087         NA      NA       NA
yt1               NA         NA      NA       NA

Residual standard error: NaN on 0 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:      1,     Adjusted R-squared:    NaN
F-statistic:   NaN on 2 and 0 DF,  p-value: NA

And the test statistic becomes NaN (Not a Number). It's computed as coefficients[2, 1]/coefficients[2, 2] or -3.115/NA. So when it tries to interpolate the p-value, the variable 'interpol' is equal to NaN and the if test fails.

With a standard error like NA, maybe you don't have enough data points to run the tests. (Only 3 residuals, all zero, like seen above.)

Rui Barradas

Em 24-06-2013 20:12, Olga Musayev escreveu:
Rui-- thanks so much for the help!

I'm getting this error though, which is leaving me stumped:

test<-lapply(ids, function(i) {
       if(!any(is.na <http://is.na>(df[df$ID==i,3])))
{adf.test(df[df$ID==i, 3])} else {NA} })

     Error in if (interpol == min(tablep)) warning("p-value smaller than
printed p-value") else warning("p-value greater than printed p-value") :
       missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Any idea what this could mean?

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Rui Barradas <ruipbarra...@sapo.pt
<mailto:ruipbarra...@sapo.pt>> wrote:


    Sorry, I forgot to Cc the list.

    Rui Barradas

    Em 23-06-2013 21:44, Rui Barradas escreveu:


        See if the following does what you want.

        lapply(seq_len(obsv), function(i) adf.test(df[df$ID == i, 3]))

        Hope this helps,

        Rui Barradas

        Em 23-06-2013 19:12, Olga Musayev escreveu:

            Short question: Is it possible to use statistical tests,
            like the
            Dickey-Fuller test, in functions with for-loops? If not, are
            there any
            alternative ways to scale measures?

            Detailed explanation: I am working with time-series, and I
            want to flag
            curves that are not stationary and which display pulses,
            trends, or level


            DATE          ID VALUE2012-03-06    1   5.672012-03-07    1
            3.452012-03-08    1   4.562012-03-09    1   20.302012-03-10    1
            5.102012-03-06    2   5.672012-03-07    2   3.452012-03-08    2
            4.562012-03-09    2   5.282012-03-10    2   5.102012-03-06    3
            5.672012-03-07    3   7.802012-03-08    3   8.792012-03-09    3
            9.432012-03-10    3   10.99

               You can see, object 2 is stationary, but 3 exhibits a
            trend and 1 has a
            pulse at 3/09.

            What I want, in pseudo-code:

            flag<- list()
            for (i in 1:length(obsv)) {
                   if adf.test(i) FAIL {
                         append(flag, i)

            What I have so far:

                adf.test(df[which(df$ID==1), 3])

            Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test

            data:  dataDickey-Fuller = 11.1451, Lag order = 16, p-value
            = 0.01null
            hypothesis: non-stationary

                adf.test(df[which(df$ID==2), 3])

            Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test

            data:  dataDickey-Fuller = 11.1451, Lag order = 16, p-value
            = 0.99
            alternative hypothesis: stationary

                adf.test(df[which(df$ID==3), 3])Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test

            data:  dataDickey-Fuller = 11.1451, Lag order = 16, p-value
            = 0.04null
            hypothesis: non-stationary

               How can I use this output in a for-loop? Thank you in

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