I think that in the case of a 2*2 balanced, replicated design such as
this one, interpreting the interaction should be safe.



On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 9:38 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsem...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Sol Lago wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> This is the first time I use this forum, and I want to say from the start I 
>> am not a skilled programmer. So please let me know if the question or code 
>> were unclear!
>> I am trying to bootstrap an interaction (that is my test statistic) using 
>> the package "boot". My problem is that for every resample, I would like the 
>> randomization to be done within subjects, so that observations from 
>> different subjects are not mixed. Here is the code to generate a dataframe 
>> similar to mine:
>> Subject = rep(c("S1","S2","S3","S4"),4)
>> Num     = rep(c("singular","plural"),8)
>> Gram    = rep(c("gram","gram","ungram","ungram"),4)
>> RT      = c(657,775,678,895,887,235,645,916,930,768,890,1016,590,978,450,920)
>> data    = data.frame(Subject,Num,Gram,RT)
>> This is the code I used to get the empirical interaction value:
>> summary(lm(RT ~ Num*Gram, data=data))
>> As you can see, the interaction between my two factors is -348.
> That depends on what you mean by "the interaction between my two factors". It 
> is almost never a good idea to attempt interpretation of interaction 
> coefficients, and is always preferable to check the predictions of hte model.
>> I want to get a bootstrap confidence interval for this statistic, which I 
>> can generate using the "boot" package:
>> #Function to create the statistic to be boostrapped
>> boot.huber <- function(data, indices) {
>> data <- data[indices, ] #select obs. in bootstrap sample
>> mod <- lm(RT ~ Num*Gram, data=data)
>> coefficients(mod)       #return coefficient vector
>> }
>> #Generate bootstrap estimate
>> data.boot <- boot(data, boot.huber, 1999)
>> #Get confidence interval
>> boot.ci(data.boot, index=4, type=c("norm", "perc", "bca"),conf=0.95) #4 gets 
>> the CI for the interaction
>> My problem is that I think the resamples should be generated without mixing 
>> the individual subjects observations: that is, to generate the new 
>> resamples, the observations from subject 1 (S1) should be shuffled within 
>> subject 1,
> What does that mean?
>> not mixing them with the observations from subjects 2, etc... I don't know 
>> how "boot" is doing the resampling (I read the documentation but don't 
>> understand how the function is doing it)
> It's doing it by selecting randomly entire rows. It is not "shuffling within 
> rows" for selected subjects.
>> Does anyone know how I could make sure that the resampling procedure used by 
>> "boot" respects the subject level information?
> It would be doing so because that is the way you set up the indexing. The 
> column ordering tof the data within subjects is not permuted.
> I do think you are beyond your understanding of the statstical principles 
> that you are attempting to use and would be safer to consult with a 
> statsitician.
> --
> David Winsemius
> Alameda, CA, USA
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