On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, Christof Kluß <ckl...@email.uni-kiel.de> writes:

> Am 23-07-2013 13:20, schrieb Enrico Schumann:
>> On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, Christof Kluß <ckl...@email.uni-kiel.de> writes:
>>> I have "observations" obs <- (11455, 11536, 11582, 11825, 11900,  ...)
>>> and a simulation function f(A,B,C,D,E,F), so sim <- f(A,B,C,D,E,F)
>>> e.g. sim = c(11464, 11554, 11603, 11831, 11907, ...)
>>> now I would like to fit A,B,C,D,E,F such that "obs" and f(A,B,C,D,E,F)
>>> match as well as possible. A,..,F should be integers and have bounds.
>>> How would you solve this problem without bruteforce in an acceptable time?
>> That depends on what your "simulation function" looks like.  Could you
>> post a (small) self-contained example?
> the integer values in the vectors sim and obs are dates
> when I set sim <- f(TS0,TS1,TS2,TB0,TB1,TB2) my A,..,F below
> then TS0 and TB0 are depend (and so on)
> the main thing in f(...) is something like
>  for (i in c(1:length(temperature))) {
>       Temp <- temperature[i]
>       if (DS < 0) {
>         DS <- DS + max(Temp-TB0,0) / TS0
>       } else if (DS < 1) {
>         ... date0 <- i
>         DS <- DS + max(Temp-TB1,0) / TS1
>       } else if (DS < 2) {
>         ... date1 <- i
>         DS <- DS + max(Temp-TB2,0) / TS2
>       } else {
>         ... date2 <- i
>         break
>       }
>     }
> this produced a vector sim = c(date0,date1,date2,...)
> now I would like to minimize RMSE(sim,obs) or something like that
> thx
> Christof
> for brute force I would do something like
> obs <- ...
> act <- 1000
>   for (TS0 in seq(50,100,10))
>     for (TS1 in seq(750,850,10))
>       for (TS2 in seq(400,600,10))
>         for (TB0 in c(5:7))
>           for (TB1 in c(5:7))
>             for (TB2 in c(4:9)) {
>               sim <- foosim(dat,TS0,TS1,TS2,TB0,TB1,TB2)
>               rmse <- sqrt(mean((sim - obs)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
>               if (rmse < act) {
>                 print(paste(rmse,TS0,TS1,TS2,TB0,TB1,TB2))
>                 act <- rmse
>               }
>             }

Sorry, but that is not what I meant by "a (small) self-contained

In any case, if brute force is feasible -- ie, your function can be
evaluated quickly enough and there are no further parameters -- then why
not do brute force?  (In the NMOF package there is a function
'gridSearch' that allows you to distribute the function evaluations.
Disclosure: I am the package author.)

If that does not work, you might try a Local Search or one of its
variants (see for instance 'LSopt' in the NMOF package).  But it is
difficult to say anything specific without knowing your actual function.


Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

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