After fitting a multivariate linear model (mlm), I'd like to be able to run or apply a standard univariate stats:::*.lm function to each of the response variables, within a function -- i.e., by operating on the mlm object, rather than re-running
the univariate models separately manually.

An example: extracting cooks.distance components (via stats:::cooks.distance.lm)

grain <- c(40, 17, 9, 15, 6, 12, 5, 9)        # y1
straw <- c(53, 19, 10, 29, 13, 27, 19, 30)    # y2
fertilizer <- c(24, 11, 5, 12, 7, 14, 11, 18) # x

Fertilizer <- data.frame(grain, straw, fertilizer)
# fit the mlm
mod <- lm(cbind(grain, straw) ~ fertilizer, data=Fertilizer)

# run univariate regressionsand get cooks.distance
> (cookd.grain <- cooks.distance(lm(grain ~ fertilizer, data=Fertilizer)))
         1          2          3          4 5          6          7
3.4436e+00 4.0957e-02 2.2733e-01 4.8605e-03 1.4073e-05 2.0479e-02 6.4192e-02
> (cookd.straw <- cooks.distance(lm(straw ~ fertilizer, data=Fertilizer)))
        1         2         3         4         5 6         7         8
2.0003953 0.0283225 0.0675803 0.1591198 0.0013352 0.0024076 0.0283225 0.4672299

This is the result I want:

> data.frame(cookd.grain, cookd.straw)
  cookd.grain cookd.straw
1  3.4436e+00   2.0003953
2  4.0957e-02   0.0283225
3  2.2733e-01   0.0675803
4  4.8605e-03   0.1591198
5  1.4073e-05   0.0013352
6  2.0479e-02   0.0024076
7  6.4192e-02   0.0283225
8  4.8383e-01   0.4672299

Note that if I call cooks.distance.lm directly on the mlm object, there is no complaint
or warning, but the result is silently WRONG:

> # try calling cooks.distance.lm directly:  silently WRONG
>  stats:::cooks.distance.lm(mod)
       grain      straw
1 3.4436e+00 0.51729792
2 1.5838e-01 0.02832250
3 2.2733e-01 0.01747613
4 1.8796e-02 0.15911979
5 1.4073e-05 0.00034527
6 7.9192e-02 0.00240762
7 6.4192e-02 0.00732414
8 1.8710e+00 0.46722985

I realize that I can also use update() on the mlm object to re-fit the univariate models, but I don't know how to extract the response names from it to do this in a function

> coef(mod)  # multivariate
              grain   straw
(Intercept) -3.7524 -2.2965
fertilizer   1.4022  2.1409

> coef(update(mod, grain ~ .))
(Intercept)  fertilizer
    -3.7524      1.4022
> coef(update(mod, straw ~ .))
(Intercept)  fertilizer
    -2.2965      2.1409

Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept. & Chair, Quantitative Methods
York University      Voice: 416 736-2100 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    Web:
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

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