Bill: I didn't look at the code but I think the OP means that during the
nlminb algorithm,
the variance covariance parameters hit values such that the covariance
matrix estimate becomes negative definite.

Again, I didn't look at the details but one way to deal with this is to
have the likelihood
function return -Inf whenever the covariance matrix becomes not positive
definite. so, the
likelihood should check for  positive definiteness first before it actually
calculates anything.
If PD is not true, the -Inf value should push nlminb towards values that
obtain a positive definite matrix. But there could be something more subtle
going on that I'm not understanding. I don't know even what algorithm
nlminb is using ( probably quasi-newton ) but this is one thing the OP
could try.

On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 9:41 PM, William Dunlap <> wrote:

> Do you mean that your objective function (given to nlminb) parameterized
> a positive definite matrix, P, as the elements in its upper (or lower)
> triangle?
> If so, you could reparameterize it by the non-zero (upper triangular)
> elements
> of the Choleski decomposition, C, of P.  Compute P as crossprod(C), compute
> the initial estimate of C as chol(P).
> Bill Dunlap
> Spotfire, TIBCO Software
> wdunlap
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> On Behalf
> > Of Steven LeBlanc
> > Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2013 3:02 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [R] nlminb() - how do I constrain the parameter vector properly?
> >
> > Greets,
> >
> > I'm trying to use nlminb() to estimate the parameters of a bivariate
> normal sample and
> > during one of the iterations it passes a parameter vector to the
> likelihood function
> > resulting in an invalid covariance matrix that causes dmvnorm() to throw
> an error. Thus,
> > it seems I need to somehow communicate to nlminb() that the final three
> parameters in
> > my parameter vector are used to construct a positive semi-definite
> matrix, but I can't see
> > how to achieve this using the constraint mechanism provided. Additional
> details are
> > provided in the code below.
> >
> > Suggestions?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Steven
> >
> > Generate the data set I'm using:
> >
> > mu<-c(1,5)
> > sigma<-c(1,2,2,6)
> > dim(sigma)<-c(2,2)
> > set.seed(83165026)
> > sample.full<-sample.deleted<-mvrnorm(50,mu,sigma)
> ><-c(1,5,13,20)
> > delete.two<-c(3,11,17,31,40,41)
> > sample.deleted[,1]<-NA
> > sample.deleted[delete.two,2]<-NA
> > missing<-c(,delete.two)
> > complete<-sample.deleted[!([,1]) |
> (sample.deleted[,2])),]
> > deleted<-sample.deleted[missing,]
> >
> > Try to estimate the parameters of the data set less the deleted values:
> >
> > exact<-function(theta,complete,deleted){
> >     one.only<-deleted[!([,1])),1]
> >     two.only<-deleted[!([,2])),2]
> >     u<-c(theta[1],theta[2])
> >     sigma<-c(theta[3],theta[5],theta[5],theta[4])
> >     dim(sigma)<-c(2,2)
> >     -sum(log(dmvnorm(x=complete,mean=u,sigma=sigma)))-
> >         sum(log(dnorm(one.only,u[1],sigma[1,1])))-
> >             sum(log(dnorm(two.only,u[2],sigma[2,2])))
> > }
> >
> nlminb(start=c(0,0,1,1,0),objective=exact,complete=complete,deleted=deleted,control=l
> > ist(trace=1))
> >
> > Escape and it stops at Iteration 9 on my machine.
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